Really starting to hate the Fuze

Well, I thought I’d love this player.  Initial impressions were mostly positive:

  • very good SQ

  • expandable

  • inexpensive

Unfortunately I’m thinking of returning it because it seems to have too many flaws:

  • no Winamp use (regardless of whose fault this is)

  • not being able to drag all my music onto the player and let it fill the internal _AN_D external memory automatically is not good.  I don’t want to have to add my GBs so I know how much I can put on each portion

  • I’m getting constant “put of memory” whenever I try to add one particular artist.  I’m neither out of memory nor is there any inherent problem with this particular artist (loads fine on all my other players, no DRM).

  • Whenever I get the out of memory warning the player then incorrectly reports the internal memory to be 141GBs!  That’s right 141.  I have to disconnect and refresh for it to report the correct 8gb internal.

So I have about 15gb of music on my computer, I thought the 8gb Fuze with 8gh SDHC would be a no brainer.  So far, not so much fun.  I’m doing all this via MSC by the way.

Of course the player doesn’t put the music just where it thinks it is best. I wouldn’t want that, because I want to know where my stuff is, in case I want to swap cards. But if your whole music library fits on the card+internal memory, then this shouldn’t be a big problem for you either, because you only have to do this once.

I can’t really tell you anything about your other problems, because I don’t have them. I don’t use Winamp. What program are you using that says “out of memory” and 141GB? Windows explorer? Maybe the filesystem is corrupted. You could try formatting it.

I’ll be blunt, I’ve had several players over the years.  The most recent is a Zune.  Other than being a bit too large it’s near perfect.  The software is a bit sluggish (on the computer, not the player) but it does eveything right.  Music is perfectly applied in the right place, etc.

I’m using Windows for simple drag and drop.  As I inimated, the filesystem is not corrupt, I can do transfers just fine with the same files to ther devices.

There are many people who use Winamp with their Sansas…so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work for you

I mean the filesystem on the player. Try formatting the player.

Well transfer probelms are with the external memory so I’,m not sure that this would help.  Furthermore the unit is brand new, I updated the firmware and proceeded.  Pretty sure the palyer doesn’t need formatting.

@marvin_martian wrote:
There are many people who use Winamp with their Sansas…so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work for you

Well I guess I’m missing something then.  I’ve read ad infinitum posts concerning this not working unless you roll back to version 10 which I read doesn’t work any longer either.  It certainly doesn’t work for me.  Not to mention, I shouldn’t have to roll back anything.  I’m not trying to be difficult but this process is a step backward not forward.  

@abouna wrote:

@marvin_martian wrote:
There are many people who use Winamp with their Sansas…so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work for you

Well I guess I’m missing something then.  I’ve read ad infinitum posts concerning this not working unless you roll back to version 10 which I read doesn’t work any longer either.  It certainly doesn’t work for me.  Not to mention, I shouldn’t have to roll back anything.  I’m not trying to be difficult but this process is a step backward not forward.  

Version 10…are you sure you’re not confusing Windows Media Player and WinAmp?

@marvin_martian wrote:

@abouna wrote:

@marvin_martian wrote:
There are many people who use Winamp with their Sansas…so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work for you

Well I guess I’m missing something then.  I’ve read ad infinitum posts concerning this not working unless you roll back to version 10 which I read doesn’t work any longer either.  It certainly doesn’t work for me.  Not to mention, I shouldn’t have to roll back anything.  I’m not trying to be difficult but this process is a step backward not forward.  

Version 10…are you sure you’re not confusing Windows Media Player and WinAmp?

Sorry, as I’ve read here on Winamp will not work with WMP11 installed, a conflict of some sort.  I’ve not been able to get it to work.

It’s really not the heart of my complaints though, the other issues are.  I can do without Winamp if need be.

Message Edited by Abouna on 01-24-2009 12:13 PM

@abouna wrote:

Well, I thought I’d love this player.  Initial impressions were mostly positive:


  • very good SQ
  • expandable
  • inexpensive


Unfortunately I’m thinking of returning it because it seems to have too many flaws:


  • no Winamp use (regardless of whose fault this is)

Winamp works fine even with WMP, IF it does not work for you try to reinstall it, and if still no check your settings and make sure that nothing is disabled. 

  • not being able to drag all my music onto theplayer and let it fill the internal _AN_D external memory automatically is not good.  I don’t want to have to add my GBs so I know how much I can put on each portion

The Fuze does not disinguish between the card an internal memory when it is playing. When you look at it in WMP the 2 parts are seprate, as is the case in explorer. You cant just drag to the player and let it fill all both on its own because you need to manage your files the way that works best for you. I for instance keep my playlist, podcast, and larger sized files on my internal memory, while everything else is on my card, you may have different needs which dont require managment of files but you are one of the few.

  • I’m getting constant “put of memory” whenever I try to add one particular artist.  I’m neither out of memory nor is there any inherent problem with this particular artist (loads fine on all my other players, no DRM).
  • Whenever I get the out of memory warning the player then incorrectly reports the internal memory to be 141GBs!  That’s right 141.  I have to disconnect and refresh for it to report the correct 8gb internal.

 What size is the file? What format(wma,mp3,flac, etc.) ? What is your transfer process? Have you run a virus scan on your music files? If there is a problem with the file, from something as small as the tabs, or as major as a virus, or unsupported file type, it could cause your Fuze to act crazy


So I have about 15gb of music on my computer, I thought the 8gb Fuze with 8gh SDHC would be a no brainer.  So far, not so much fun.  I’m doing all this via MSC by the way.

_ I posted my suggestions in your OP in Blue. _