My Fuze froze the other day and I could not get it unfrozen. After checking I downloaded and installed the firmware update. After completing that the player was not frozen anymore but my player was empty. I began reloading it but around 100 songs I got the message that it was full. I thought it was an error but after checking my total internal memory showed as 7800 MB. That may be what I had available in free space before this all started.
I have emailed Sansa Help with no reply and glanced through this forum and haven’t found a similar problem or solution. Can anybody tell me what I need to do to get my * GB back?
Thanks for your time.
Joel O.
7800MB is normal, due to the difference between “accounting” in binary versus bytes, the reserved partition, etc.
Try using the Format command on the device to free your memory, and optimize it.
On the Fuze: Settings > System Settings > Format > Yes.
This will erase all music from the device, but you should be free to load all of your music.
Thanks for the reply. I have reformatted it but can only get about 100 songs on it. Before I had over 1300 with room left. Why is that?
What format is your music, and how are you transferring these files to your Fuze?
mostly mp3’s. I transferred some from Rhapsody To Go and some from my computer files. That is the same way I loaded it the first time.
Okay, I see you’ll be transferring the Rhapsody wma files in MTP mode. The device is authorized and running with a current Rhapsody subscription?
Separate your problem into sections, so we can figure out where the trouble may be. The Rhapsody To Go files should be a known quality for this task; they’ll either all play or we’ll run into a snag with a mass transfer.
“Some from my computer files” is an unknown. Remember, something is affecting your file transfer, so what we can do is transfer a few files at a time until we see a problem.
Are you transferring your Rhapsody tracks from saved versions cached on your hard drive, or are you downloading them from the Rhapsody server? If they’re saved on the hard drive, remember to log in to Rhapsody, opening the R4 client, and select Update Track Licenses.
OK, I am going to start reloading my player. At first I’ll reload from My Library at Rhapsody To Go, and yes, my device is authorized and subscription is current. I’ll see how that goes and keep posted. Thanks
I don’t know what happened the first time but all seems to be right now. I did not know that 7800 mb was roughly equal to 8 gb. Thanks for the help!