I’m pleased that SanDisk finally resolved the randomization/shuffle bug on the Sansa Express.
Unfortunately, I have given up on SanDisk and the Sansa Express. There were just too many occurrences of the player going dead or refusing to respond to controls. I purchased the Sansa Express because it was less expensive than other comparable MP3 players with rechargeable lithium batteries. When one SE died, I purchased another to use while SanDisk support replaced the dead unit. The mean time to fail for the SE was so small that this developed into a cycle. Often, SanDisk support would have more of my SE players than I had. I still have several of the replaced SEs as they were returned to me.
For those who are curious, I have found a suitable alternative to the SE. It has some drawbacks, but in the end, it is even cheaper than the SE and much more reliable. Because this is a Sansa Express/SanDisk board, I cannot divulge the make and model, but I will gladly provide the details if you send me a private message.