I’ve noticed a few niggles with this drive I just got. Firstly when I right click on it in Windows Explorer’s tree listing there’s no “Eject” option which is odd. Then when in internet cafes I’ve had problems safely ejecting it with the “drive still in use” message continually popping up when I’m certain the drive is idle. Now this morning I tried using a prog called “Yumi” and it couldn’t “see” the drive automatically but I have to point it at it’s drive letter manually.
Just wondering if this is normal or maybe I’ve got a faulty drive? I bought it on Amazon but it’s fine for practically everything else. When I got it I did format it immediately to remove the pre-installed stuff but I do this with every USB drive I get.
I’d appreciate some constructive feedback please! Thanks,
“When I got it I did format it immediately to remove the pre-installed stuff but I do this with every USB drive I get.”
Since the situations you are experiencing are not with a factory made device their causes could be anything, they could be manufacturing related or user related. Formating use to be popular but is overkill. You don’t want the installed apps, that you paid for, delete the files and folders.
“I’ve noticed a few niggles with this drive I just got.”
Did you notice the “niggles” before you formated it?
“Then when in internet cafes I’ve had problems safely ejecting it with the “drive still in use” message continually popping up when I’m certain the drive is idle.”
That could be caused by the OS and apps the cafe is running. Firewalls sometimes don’t let go, malware apps hold on to the drive, etc.
“Now this morning I tried using a prog called “Yumi” and it couldn’t “see” the drive automatically but I have to point it at it’s drive letter manually.”
Did you write to Yumi and ask them about their app? Maybe it’s looking for a FAT32 formated drive and your’s is NTFS. Or it’s looking for a floppy drive configuration and your’s is formated like a harddrive.
"I’d appreciate some constructive feedback please!"
When you buy something new, try using it before changing it.