My daugther had her clip just yesterday. She gave it to me to load music. I connectthis to my PC, at first, battery was charging then it stop, then the screen says connecting to my PC and the battery indicator says empty, it never recognize on my PC, then all of the sudden the clip turns off and no power at all.
Slide the power switch to the ON position and hold it there for about 15 seconds. This will reset the device.
Then slide the power switch DOWN to the Hold position (orange showing). While holding the center button depressed, plug in to the USB port. Once the display shows “connected”, release the button.
This will establish a manual MSC connection, allowing the Clip to charge. Allow it to charge for a while, checking the battery icon for progress.
Slide the power switch back to the center position follwing this connection. You can then try working with the Clip on a full battery.