Greetings everyone!
I’ve been enjoying this Sansa Fuze that I bought off a friend, which has better battery life than the 1st one I initially purchased (used)
Anyhow, the scroll wheel is working fine, but the buttons are becoming less responsive and now sometimes if I just want to navigate to a different folder I have to press and HOLD the button down until it finally responds or keep tapping it and hope it takes me where I want it.
As you can imagine, this is very annoying. I have started using it in my car through an FM transmitter and aux cable. When it won’t respond well in the car that’s just a bad situation to mess with. I’m 17 myself and I can’t believe people SERIOUSLY text and drive. I always try to keep my eyes on the road.
So, what is the verdict here? The connection getting dusted up/worn? My last issue was the battery which apparently is near impossible to replace without damaging the entire player itself. Go figure. But that was my last player.
Any chance I could take it apart and try to clean it out? I don’t really know how to safely take it apart so I could do with some help there.
I don’t want to have to purchase another player. Though I like the fuze’s design, I feel like even then these things don’t have good battery life and if it dies like mine probably will within a year or two, it’s useless. Seems the life is very slowly decreasing on this one as well.
Just an annoying defect and I don’t want to end up braking it because I can’t navigate to anything.
@rocknroll87 wrote:
So, what is the verdict here? The connection getting dusted up/worn?
Any chance I could take it apart and try to clean it out? I don’t really know how to safely take it apart so I could do with some help there.
Very poissiby the internal scroll wheel/button connections are getting dusty or otherwise gunked up from pocket lint and the like. I wouldn’t take it apart though except as a last resort. You may not get it back together correctly or might do more damage unless you’re intimately familar with these things.
I would try shooting some canned compressed air and electrical contact cleaner under the scroll wheel. You can get both at Radio Shack or places like that.
@rocknroll87 wrote:
Though I like the fuze’s design, I feel like even then these things don’t have good battery life and if it dies like mine probably will within a year or two, it’s useless. Seems the life is very slowly decreasing on this one as well.
Battery life depends on a lot of factors, such as temperature range, usage and charging patterns, etc. but yes, as it ages your play time on each charge will gradually lessen and diminish. This is the nature of Lithium-Ion batteries.
Thanks for the advice!
Would regular air from a household air compresser work? Electrical contact cleaner eh? I’ll have to see about getting ahold of some of that.
My dissapointment is the MP3 market in general. Iphones and Ipods are the “thing” now and I have neither. I am the one who wants a simple, nice, easy to use MP3 player without a million other features to go by in life SEPERATE from my cell phone
(Ex: Iphone apps)
A friend has the Iphone. I got a simple QWERTY keyboard phone and I’m happy with it. I wish more people like myself existed though that wouldn’t mind having their Music SEPERATE from their phone. I feel as though someone really needs to STEP UP in the MP3 department and make something affordable and effetive yet somewhat long lasting. The problem with pocket-and go devices is the natural wear and tear. But I don’t think the market should go down just because of Iphones and Ipods.
@rocknroll87 wrote:
Would regular air from a household air compresser work?
I wouldn’t advise that. You might do more harm than good. Kinda like using a fire hose to extinguish a birthday cake candle.
@rocknroll87 wrote:
I wish more people like myself existed though that wouldn’t mind having their Music SEPERATE from their phone. I feel as though someone really needs to STEP UP in the MP3 department and make something affordable and effetive yet somewhat long lasting.
There are many people who think as you do. Unfortunately, it seems as though the dedicated mp3 player market and popularity is winding down. SanDisk however, still makes a couple fine, inexpensive players; the Clip+ and Clip Zip.