Podcasts, audiko books etc. how to get to?

When I ask for a directory listing for my CLIP, it shows under Internal Memory,  

ALBUMS,AUDIOBOOKS,MUSOC,PLAYLISTS,PODCASTS,RECORD  and SERVICE.  When I transfer a podcast from computer to CLIP, it will show up in the directory as a podcast in the podcast folder.  When I want to play it, my CLIP only shows MUSIC FM VOICE SETTINGS and none of those folders show my podcast.  How can I play a podcast?  


Welcome to the forum hogarth27.

Songs, podcasts and audiobooks can all be found under the Music item in the Clip. Select Music and press the right button to get more options. Press down and you’ll eventually find the Podcasts. Selecting Podcasts will list all the different programs and by selecting a program you’ll be able to choose an episode.

Note that the latest firmware (v01.01.30) will display the episodes in reverse order, starting from the most recent. This will be fixed in the next update.

That does it.  Thanks