Well it appears that that Sansa Clip Sport can’t even read a SanDisk Ultra plus Micro SD card and accurately read the File Allocation Table on the card.
Absolutely incredible!
SanDisk makes a product that can’t even use memroy cards that it makes itself!
I have to go to an older and slower card! WTF!
The Sansa Clip Sport is a MEGA-FAIL!
I’m sorry I bought this POS.
It’s really something when an Android App called PowerAmp is a better MP3 player on a phone than a dedicated product from SanDisk .
As you just purchased the player, return it and get a full-featured Clp+ or Clip Zip. The Clip Sport is a player best for specific and a bit limited purposes.
You actually wasted time posting that as a reply.
You might as well have told me water was wet and rocks are hard.
Why further aggravate yourself? Return it and get a Clip+ or Zip model that is more “full-featured”. The Clip Sport is a limited model for a limited market. SanDisk has never made any secret of that, and had you researched and/or read any number of online reviews or comments on it before purchasing it, you could have saved yourself a lot of grief and anger.
Unless your intention is just to bash it here on the forum, in which case mission accomplished. Maybe you should move on now.
As you just purchased the player, return it and get a full-featured Clp+ or Clip Zip. The Clip Sport is a player best for specific and a bit limited purposes.
You actually wasted time posting that as a reply.
You might as well have told me water was wet and rocks are hard.
Then I guess I don’t understand why you’re posting here, apart from simply venting your frustration, bashing SanDisk (which you’ve done in repeated threads), and having a knee-jerk reaction against someone actually offering you a positive suggestion. Seems to me that you would do better not wasting your own time and instead spending your time on returning your player, getting a Clip+ or Zip, and enjoying some music. But to each their own, I guess.
Look, If you choose to be a SanDisk lemming, have at it.
I don’t appreciate being lied to by the company.
A lie by ommission is still a lie.
SanDisk deliberately withheld the limitations of this device from the public.
Heck, they still do.
You have to actually buy one to see how poor a device it actually is.
They still do NOT publicize the 2000 song limit or the 50 Playlist limit as part of the unit specifications.