Just bought the clip sport from Best Buy and it will not read the microSD card that I inserted. My computer reads it just fine and that’s how I copied approx 8g of mp3’s onto it (16GB total capacity).
Before I return the player, am I doing something wrong?
@backdoc77 wrote:
Just bought the clip sport from Best Buy and it will not read the microSD card that I inserted. My computer reads it just fine and that’s how I copied approx 8g of mp3’s onto it (16GB total capacity).
Before I return the player, am I doing something wrong?
Make sure the player is off, and only turn it on after the card is inserted.
yes, the player is off when i inserted the card. When I turned it on the screen said “refreshing media” but the microSD card does not show up anywhere in the menu and I can’t see the songs on it.
@backdoc77 wrote:
yes, the player is off when i inserted the card. When I turned it on the screen said “refreshing media” but the microSD card does not show up anywhere in the menu and I can’t see the songs on it.
Note that this player does not integrate the internal and external memory into 1 database like all other Sansa players do. You must navigate to the CARD menu option to view and play content stored there. If you scroll through the Main menu and have no CARD menu, try going into SETTINGS (possibly then SYSTEM SETTINGS) and look for a CUSTOMIZE option, Here you can turn off Main menu items you don’t use, or don’t want to see. It’s possible CARD is turned off. You can toggle it back on and then you should be OK. 
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Just to be sure, is it formatted in FAT32?
Thanks guys, i am a dummy and didn’t realize the memory card had it’s own menu. I found it and it works great.