On my WD Passport trying to access files I have put on it, I am denied access with a message that says you do not have permission to access the object.
It was working fine for 2 years until I connected to a second laptop. Now I have no permission from either to access some but not all of the files/folders.
Using Win 7, Hp laptops, and Passport WDBBEP0010BSL.
The other computer could have corrupted or added new parameters to your unit’s access permissions. Have you tried taking ownership of your files or changing access permissions? Instructions are available in the following link:
I suggest you to edit the ownership of the drive. Just do right click on the drive and click on properties and go to the security tab and click on “Edit” button available under the “Group or User name”. After changing the ownership check the drive is accessible or not.
I right clicked on my passport drive and there isn’t a Properties tab. I’m losing documents from the HD. Denied Access. I watched a Word doc that was missing under folder I saved on to find in the Recents and went to open and said I don’t have access privileges. Tried to try again and I literally watched it vanish! About to lose my mind. Do I have a virus on this Ext HD??
Most of the times, the error message “Access is Denied” indicates that there is some problem with the hard drive, which has made the hard drive inaccessible.
Here, I suggest you to check the below link which explains the methods to fix the Access is Denied issue: