I have been using my Passport (not wireless) for several years now, backing it up using WDSmartware and it has been working fine. Suddenly, I plug it in and start the Smartware and it gives me the message “no writeable partition found.” Windows 8 sees the drive and says it is working, however no file system is mounted.
I would reformat the drive except there are photos and videos that I have stored on the drive that are not on my laptop, I would like to keep these in tact.
I can’t run any of the diagnostic tools in the Smartware because it thinks there is no partition, it will not allow me to select it in the Smartware.
try to un install the Smartware software, then do a clean installation to see if by doing this you can get the passport showing again on the software. Also i would like to know if you are able to see the content of the drive if you access it normally.
Ok, I uninstalled the WD Smartware software. Then downloaded and
reinstalled it. My Passport Essential is still seen by both Windows 8
and Smartware, but in the Smartware it still appears with an “X” in a red
circle, with “no writeable partition found.” and Windows File Explorer
still does not see the drive.
Hi, I uninstalled and re-installed the Smartware and I get the exact same
result. Both Windows 8 and the Smartware see the drive, but the Smartware
reads, “no writeable partition found.”