new to MP3

My 2 kids got  Sansa Clip 1GB mp3 for Christmas. I have so far managed to get them charging correctly on my computer. But am totally lost as to where to go and how to go about downloading songs to the devices. Is there one site that is better than another?

Any help on this would be great!

Happy Holidays!

I prefer just to rip my own CD’s to MP3 files using Easy CD-DA extractor. Windows Media Player can also rip songs but be sure choose the “do not protect” option.

I see Crutchfield has a 50 free downloads from eMusic. But be sure to terminate before they start charging the $15/month.

The above methods give DRM free MP3 (or WMA) files you can just drop into your Clip’s Music folder while connected in the MSC mode.

Message Edited by firefly on 12-25-2007 01:29 PM

Oky I may sound totally stupid but how do I do this? Pleae step by step

If you want to make MP3 files from your music CDs do this:

  1. Download and install Easy CD-DA Extractor.
  2. Play with it.
        a. Will it show your CD tracks?
        b. Can you download the CD info from
        c. Can you select MP3 encoding at “Near CD Quality”?
        d. Can you select all the tracks and convert them?
  3. Make a few mistakes, it’s harmless.

Read the other postings about the latest firmware download and connecting the Clip to your computer in the MSC mode.

where do I get the extractor thing?