Need help with album art

After spending hours reading/trying my album art does not show up.

I use win XP , my silver Fuze is 8gb w/4gb card . Firmware is  01.02.26A , always in MSC mode and the “display art in lists”  is  ON

Using a tip from here, I went to CD Universe and saved 170x170 album pix.  I renamed the pix " folder.jpg "  and did the drag/drop into my folder named for groups  eg  Santana.   When I double clic on the Santana folder, the file called

folder.jpg is listed along w/ the tracts I ripped.   But no album art anywhere

What am I doing wrong ?

Try this, works great for me,

I use 200 x 200 size jpegs all under 20KB, name them album art, and put them in the album folder. I also have the art embedded in the mp3’s.

OK … tried again this AM

Hooked up my fuze to 'puter and copied 2 folders of music

Saved the folders to “temp fuze” folder on harddrive

Deleted the 2 folders from Fuze

Had 170x170 album art already saved

Named 1   folder.jpg and did drag/drop into music folder on harddrive

Named the other   album art.jpg and did drag/drop into other folder on harddrive

Then I did a drag/drop of these music folders on harddrive

back to the Fuze  …  still no album art

After removing files from the Fuze, do I have to let the Fuze refresh/update

before re-introducing the music folders back into the Fuze ?

Maybe I will just save the album art in Pictures and do that as a workaround

solution.  Lame, I know, but will be able to see album cover while listening.  

Just for grits & shiggles, have you tried turning the ‘display art in lists’ OFF?

Also, the album art image files must be in the Album folder. In other words, just putting it into a folder named ‘Santana’ won’t work, especially if you have songs from more than 1 Santana album in that folder. You should have a folder for each album, like Abraxas, Blues For Salvador, Milagro, etc. Each of these should contain the .mp3 files from that particular album and an ‘album art. jpg’ or ‘folder.jpg’ image file of the cover art.

Be sure the image is a plain 'ol white-bread-run-of-the-mill .jpg file too. No JPEG2 or progressive JPG’s or any of that nonsense. If you’re copying these images from the net, confirm that they are .jpg format to begin with and you’re not simply changing the name to .jpg when they are in actuality .bmp’s or .gifs.

Conversly, you could embed the album art image into the ID3 tag of the song file with MP3Tag. But you’d have to do this with every song file, and while each image isn’t huge, the space this takes up in your memory does add up. It’s much simpler to provide 1 image file in each album folder for all songs to use it there.

If you’ve done everything right and it still doesn’t work, reformat and do it all again.  I had some issues with the art and that fixed it for me.

My Fuze now has album art …  and it looks good

No need to thank any of the gurus in this forum, because

none of them had any advice that solved the issue

My simple fix DID NOT involve  M3ptag, WMP, embedded art in mp3 file, or

any of that other geek-speak

I will post my simple fix here in 48 hrs …  providing I receive

at least 8 requests to do so

Gosh, I’d love to know the solution.

Gosh, I’d love to know this magic solution.

1 request so far …    only 7 more to go

@gwk1967 wrote:

@byob4you wrote:

My Fuze now has album art …  and it looks good


No need to thank any of the gurus in this forum, because

none of them had any advice that solved the issue


My simple fix DID NOT involve  M3ptag, WMP, embedded art in mp3 file, or

any of that other geek-speak


I will post my simple fix here in 48 hrs …  providing I receive

at least 8 requests to do so



That’s rather obnoxious, isn’t it?


\ *anti -requests*


You can keep your “simple” fix to yourself if you’re too good to share it unless we meet your petty demand.


I agree with gwk1967.  Your demands are petty, and surprising, since you yourself had three people trying to help you with your issue.   Whatever “simple fix” that you happened to stumble upon matters not in the least to me.

U can start by putting the fuze in auto detect and then if you have rhapsody get on it if you are ripping your own cds ripp it first then right click on one song select edit track info then go to art and statistics tab if you have the image saved to your computer click add then search for the pic then when you find it click it twice then click apply and transfer the whole song to the player again and it should work but if you are downloading from the music guide it should come by itself in the download.

So BYOB4u was deliberately putting the art in an artist folder with multiple albums rather than the folder for each album, and then griping about it.  No wonder the Fuze couldn’t find the art–it wasn’t in the right place. 

Simple solution is probably putting folder.jpg in the right folder, as was patiently explained by Tapeworm above.  D’oh. 

Doesn’t seem like the ultimatum is getting a whole lot of takers… Maybe BYOB4u won’t be getting that Nobel Prize in physics after all…

Fuzer16 have you ever heard of punctuation it makes things a lot easier to read and understand especially when you are giving complicated instructions if you know what I mean 

Message Edited by Black-Rectangle on 09-28-2009 07:44 AM

@byob4you wrote:
I will post my simple fix here in 48 hrs …  providing I receive

at least 8 requests to do so

Multiple people tried to help you and Tapeworm quite accurately described the two options available for MSC mode album art.  And yet we are not worthy to receive your special enlightenment?

Why don’t you take your simple fix and post it up your…  Well you know the rest.

Well, it’s over 48 hours now . . .

I count 1 half-hearted request . . .

No brilliant Guru-busting solution has been posted . . .

Do I care?

jeez …           …        look at the gurus now running from the woods, huddled together

like frightened sheep

God forbid the fact that they may actually learn something from a newbie (or so they think)

a Nobel Prize ?  lol  …             not a chance, but maybe worthy of a sticky

as for cheap-shots & condescending remarks …           " you reap what you sow "

Maybe a few truly gentlemen gurus, with some class, will step-up and ask  “can I see that?”

Have you ever been somewhere that had a locked display case ?  Did you see anything that

you were curious/interested in and asked “can I see that one ?”  Exactly the same thing here

folks.  If you reply to whine or take cheap-shots, I will thank you for the free bump.

As Paul Harvey used-to-say  …  Good Day

Message Edited by BYOB4you on 09-29-2009 04:24 PM

@byob4you wrote:

jeez …           …        look at the gurus now running from the woods, huddled together

like frightened sheep


Yeah, right.

@byob4you wrote:


as for cheap-shots & condescending remarks …           " you reap what you sow "


Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.

@byob4you wrote:

Maybe a few truly gentlemen gurus, with some class, will step-up and ask  “can I see that?”

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

@byob4you wrote:


As Paul Harvey used-to-say  …  Good Day

And Good Day to you. Take it on the road & peddle it elsewhere . . .

and as far as free ‘bumping’? Yes, this is true. It allows others to see how smug & un-cooperative you’ve been and the negative reactions to your ‘demands’.  I’m glad whatever you found worked for you . . . but past that? We couldn’t care less.