my sandisk totally not working

when i turn it on it wouldnt. When i connect it to the pc i think it not recognize but my sandisk is connected but not charging. when i turn it not it cannot,pls help me !

What exact Sandisk product do you have there markjan21? I would assume its a Sansa Clip since you posted under it?

You can try some of the steps found here.

Hope this helps. :wink:

In addition to this before returning it for a replacement because you might have the same issue with the same player better isolate the concern first, if we are takling about the sansa clip, first let us do a soft reset by pressing and holding the ON OFF switch in upward position in 30 seconds, and try to turn it on again and if nothing happen try to toggle the ON OFF switch downward to put it on hold, and press and hold down the center button while you connect it to the computer, try to observe if it will be detected by the computer.

Hope this works and if not we can contact Sandisk for replacement or bring it back to the store if it is still under store warranty. :wink:

 Same thing happened to my clip, it wouldent turn on so i reset it by holding it on the power up postion for 30 seconds and it turned back on.

If it’s still under warranty have it RMA’ed.

Same thing is happening to mine.

It won’t turn on if not plugged in.  Resetting does not help.

Mine is out of warranty, what options are available?

Does it mean I need to buy another one?! :( 

@adamadam wrote:

Same thing is happening to mine.

It won’t turn on if not plugged in.  Resetting does not help.

Mine is out of warranty, what options are available?

Does it mean I need to buy another one?! :( 

It might just be low on battery. Force MSC the device and then leave it plugged in for 2-3 hours (I would prefer using a desktop computer and plugging it on the back USB port for sufficient power).

If after doing above step, it still would not hold charge, thats it. :cry: