Music wont show on sansa clip+ but shows on files on the computer.

Sansa Clip+ 4Gb with 32Gb Micro sd hc

I recently dragged and dropped 14gb worth of music into the ‘removable disk (E:)’ which is plugged into my sansa clip+ the first time i did it all the music showed up as strange characters like └ïÔvÍté╗.▒îU. So i formatted the micro sdhc on my laptop and tried putting the music on again. This time it has all been transferred but is not showing up on the sansa clip+. In system settings>info it shows that the memory has been filled but says there are no songs in the main music player.

What is the format of the files (mp3, wma, flac, ogg, etc.); is it supported?

What format is the ID3 tags for the files in?

mostly mp3. ive tried doing it through  wmp aswell with the same result and the usb setting is on msc

How do I find out the format of the ID3 tags?

I have all the songs i want on wmp and itunes as mp3 and aac. if i format the sansa clip+ what do i need to do to ensure that the music can be transferred over? the sansa clip+ is in msc usb mode

AAC files are _ not _ supported on the Clip+.

MP3Tag is a great (free) dedicated ID3 tag editor. The tag format your player is looking for is ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1. You can change the default setting in the Tools menu of the program, open up your files in it, check and/or edit anything you want, or simply just hit the SAVE icon to save them all in the newly changed format.

Note that it’s better to make any changes to tags of files while they are on your computer rather than the player. Make your changes, delete the files from the player and then transfer over the newly edited files.

It says under tag WMA (WMA) is that what i need to change?

Then you have more than just .mp3 & .aac files. Apparently you also have .wma (windows media audio) files, maybe ripped from CD’s through Windows Media Player perhaps?

These use a different tag format as you’ve discovered. Leave that format alone. You can change any of the fields (Artist, Title, Genre, etc.) if you want or need to though.

All the music goes onto the sansa clips own 4gb memory ok but when i select the internal memory 32gb device is when the problems start

Then you have more than just .mp3 & .aac files. Apparently you also have .wma (windows media audio) files, maybe ripped from CD’s through Windows Media Player perhaps? These will play fine in your Clip+ (as long as they are the regular wma file and not WMA Pro).

These use a different tag format as you’ve discovered. Leave that format alone. You can change any of the fields (Artist, Title, Genre, etc.) if you want or need to though.

uggh.I am having the same issue.  I have old Zeppelin Cds ripped and put on my imac in Itunes.  I can drag and drop from there to my Sansa music folder, and I see them all there, but when I get out running, I have nothing on my Sansa clip plus.  I can download podcasts and put them on, no problem…but I cannot get any music.

What should I be doing in this instance?

Thank you.

If the files were ripped in iTunes they are probably .m4a or .aac–Apple formats that the Sansa won’t play. iTunes hates you for not buying a doPi player. 

Take those Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham classics off the player. They’re not gonna play. You need mp3 versions–and you can get iTunes to make them. 

I’d suggest you start from scratch and re-rip the Zep albums to mp3. 

You can set iTunes to just rip mp3 files from the get-go, which will make your music a lot more portable because everything plays mp3.  Under Edit/Preferences/Advanced in iTunes (not the more visible Advanced tab) you change the Rip setting to make mp3 files. Give them high quality–at least 192 kbps and hey, don’t you think “Kashmir” should be full 320 kbps?  No more incompatibility problems. 

Or if for some reason you don’t want to re-rip the CDs, go into your music library in iTunes, highlight the Zep files, right-click on them and Create mp3 Version.  Now the trick is to find them on your computer–figure out where iTunes has created your library. Put the mp3 versions in separate folders and transfer those to the Sansa. 


Another thing you can do is look at the player once the mp3 albums are on there. Search the player  for MACOSX. Those are the folders of Milkerman’s “ghost” files–finder files–that Mac needs but Sansa doesn’t. If you look inside them you will see that they are tiny 1kb files with nearly the same names as the songs plus underscores. Because they are labeled mp3, the Sansa may try to play them, but there’s no music in them to play. 

You can (and should) delete all the MACOSX folders from the player. 

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I just looked at iTunes again. In iTunes 10, to rip your CDs to mp3, you need to go



General (not Advanced as I thought earlier)

and about halfway down that page is Import Settings. Choose mp3 encoder and 160kbps per channel (that adds up to 320, highest quality).

Pretty well hidden, but it’s in there.  

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