Multiple issues for firmware revision

In addition to the songs appearing in alphabetical order I’ve noticed a few other issues:

Some Albums, artists, song names get truncated.  Not sure what causes that.  Some are fine.

Some album art doesn’t come through

Songs/audiobooks that are on the external memory chip are ONLY accessible via the “Folder” or “Card” menus.  Can they be accessed via the Music and Books menus please?

I may be one of the few left, but I would like the Clip Sport to support SlotRadio chips.

I would like the Next button to take me to the beginning of the next lesson in my Pimsluer language Audio book from Audible. And the Previous button to take me to the previous lesson. (I do have the Ch. Mode option on). My last MP3 player did this. This is important because if I’m at lesson 10 and want to review lesson 5, it’s very difficult to find the beginning of lesson 5 using rewind. You can’t even tell what lesson you’re in, much less find the beginning.

The artist/album length limitations on the Clip Zip were perfectly fine.  

Also I do like the “Play All” function from other Sandisk players far more than the “Shuffle”

Another quirk to fix.  With audible audiobooks on my SD card, if I switch from music back to audiobooks, when I select “Resume” it tells me I need to authorize my player.  If I select “Start Again” it plays fine (although I do need to fast forward to where I left off).