Hello folks,
First I would like to thank TomJensen and Black-Rectangle for letting me know about MP3TAG in my other post. It’s a great program.
There is one thing I can’t find in MP3TAG, though. I don’t see the Contributing Artist field. It’s that field that is throwing all sorts of extra artists into the Artist lookup on the Fuze that I don’t want. MP3TAG appears to have the ability to add fields, though. Does anyone know how to add the Contributing Artist field to MP3TAG?
Thanks for your assistance.
Don’t think that you can. And you wouldn’t want to even if you could. As picky as the Sansa players are about tags, it could lead to problems.
This is how I handle multiple or contributing artists in tagging my files and it still lets me know there was more than 1 artist in a given song and doesn’t cause hang-up or freezing issues for the player.
If you go to MP3Tag’s website, there is a special user forum available for program-specific feedback.
The problem with the Contributing Artist field is that the Sansas don’t support this genre field anyway, as far as navigation is concerned.
Personally, I understand your concern, as I love classical music. I have to edit ID3 tags regularly, as navigating by composer is key, as well as complications concerning the artist field. I have some current pieces referenced simply as “Saint Louis Symphony” rather than Saint-Saens.
Ripping tracks via Windows Media Player, if there are tracks featuring a separate singer, I can hear the complete album, but individual tracks are searchable by the separate artist. If I select the artist when looking for the album, I won’t hear the songs with the contributing artist. For this special occasion, MP3Tag allows me to simplify the artist fields.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
Select desired song(s). Right-click. Select Extended Tags. Select New (Fields). Enter whatever name for the new field. Be aware that custom fields aren’t going to be recognized by any player, and is considered as junk. Many MP3 rippers use custom fields as a way to not have their “sig” removed. Most MP3s found online are loaded with junk tags.
Oops, misread…
Select all songs. Right-click. Select Extended Tags. Ascertain name of desired field (probably “Contributing Artists”). Cancel to exit.
. From menu, select View | Customize Columns. Select New.
. Name: Enter “Contrib. Artists”
. Value: Click on arrow button. Select Extended fields. Select desired field as seen earlier. This displays the field.
. Field: To have field editable while in view mode, repeat procedure as with Value field above. For read-only, leave blank.
. Click OK.