I bought an 8g Sansa Clip so I could play audio books on it without having to switch out disc due to lack of memory. When I tried to put th 17 Harry Potter disc’s on it it looked as though they loaded up but when I played it back I couldn’t retrive or play more than 4 disc’s. I loaded them up under the Audio book submenu. Should I load them up under several submenus? I need over 1 gig of memory for each book and thought that with 8 gigs I would have enough for several books.
What do I need to do in order to be able to access more than 5 disc under Audio books, or is that possible?
You aren’t limited to 4 audiobooks, as far as I know. Are they encoded as MP3s? If so, are they properly tagged? They should have “audiobook” in the “Genre” field of the tag. Use a program like MP3Tag to check and edit the tags.
I just checked the tag with the Mp3tag program. Not sure where the tag is supost to be. It showed the file name with the .mp3 after the track identifier but the only place it says audio book is in the file name. How do I edit it? Where should the audiobook tag be in the file name?
When I used the edit function of Mp3tag it showed me the file name but would not let me change it. I’m a little lost using this program and knowing what to do where.
I thought I did drop them into the audio book folder and several disc’s played without any problems. I’m now having trouble deleting the disc’s I’ve already listened to and adding disc’s I haven’t heard yet.
Thank you so much, I’ve gotten as far as tagging them with Artist, Album, Genre etc. and able to save them by disc. Is there any way I can save the tags as I go throug as many as 17 disc with the same tag. So far I’m repeating the same information for each disc and having to retype it each time I drag in a new disc. Would love not to have to repeat the same information for as many as 17 disc.
@simplimage wrote:
Thank you so much, I’ve gotten as far as tagging them with Artist, Album, Genre etc. and able to save them by disc. Is there any way I can save the tags as I go throug as many as 17 disc with the same tag. So far I’m repeating the same information for each disc and having to retype it each time I drag in a new disc. Would love not to have to repeat the same information for as many as 17 disc.
I don’t use Mp3Tag as my primary tagging program; however, they (mp3tag) have an excellent forum similar to this one. I’m sure any mp3tag specific questions could be answered there:
Mp3Tag forum