I’m relatively new to the Sansa Clip. I want to put an audiobook on which has a set of 11 disks. I have created a title on the player under audiobooks. Now I want under the title to create 11 sub folders, disk1, disk2 etc, copy the ripped in each apprpriate folder, make 11 playlists under the title. That does not seem to work. Is that not possible.
Then I tought to be smart and merged all ripped files of one disk to make one large mp3 fle (60+mb) and do this 11 times and copy them under the title and create a playlist. The player did not like it and hung. What gives? Any help wil be appreciated.
Thanks for your response. I must be doing something wrong somewhere. I did create a folder under audiobooks on the clip+ which has the title of the book. I then created 11 subdirectories called disk1, disk2 etc. Then I copy the ripped files in the folders. What I see on the clip+ display is not the title folder I created but disk1, disk2, disk3… folders right under the audiobook folder. The folder I created (title of the book) is nowhere to be seen. What step am I missing?
If the program you use to rip the Audiobook Discs does not create or fill in the meta tag data then you will need to use a file tagger program (like MP3Tag for MP3 files) to create the Album name, Artist name, and Title for the file/track of the ripped files. Also ensure you set the ripped files Genre to “Audiobook”. And sometimes you have to ensure the ripped files Discnumber entry is set to the disk number of the ripped content.
The Audiobooks menu will show all the “discs” as a separate “book”. It will not show the main folder. You can edit the tags to where the title of the book is at the beginning of the “Album” name in order to keep them straight if you want to.
Well, that’s what I discovered. Each disk shows as a separate book under audiobooks. So I changed the album tag of each disk to the title1, title2 etc and that works. Thank you all for your help. Much appreciated.
Yes. As long as your files are recognized as audiobook (you put the files in the \Audiobooks folder, or the genre tags are set to Audiobook).
If the book was the last thing you were listening to, it starts right back up where you left off, but if you navigated away from your book, like listen to music before shutting the player off, when you return to the book it gives the option of “Resume (where you left off)” or “Start over (from the beginning of track)”.
I sometimes skip back and forth when sampling books, and it remembers where I am in each book.
If the program you use to rip the Audiobook Discs does not create or fill in the meta tag data then you will need to use a file tagger program (like MP3Tag for MP3 files) to create the Album name, Artist name, and Title for the file/track of the ripped files. Also ensure you set the ripped files Genre to “Audiobook”. And sometimes you have to ensure the ripped files Discnumber entry is set to the disk number of the ripped content.