I put a pny 8gb memory card in my 4gb SansaFuze. My computer read it just fine and I synced a few songs. They loaded and it worked great.
Then, I synced a playlist with several hours worth of songs (a playlist) onto the card. It seemed to be going fine until it got to the part where it is “Refreshing Your Media.” The green line moves a tiny bit then stops and is frozen. I let it go for an hour–no movement. I’ve tried removing the card (after turning the device off) replacing the card and turning the device back on. Same thing.
When I remove the card and turn the device back on without it, my internal memory is fine–although I did have trouble getting my computer to recognize the SansaFuze again after that–but I figured out what to do about that–so that is not a problem.
Any suggestions?