Issues Aplenty

Well, I bought an 8gb Fuze this morning from Best Buy, got home and set about downloading my mp3’s. All of my music is ripped from CD’s, ie no iTunes, Rhapsody, etc. I went through and made sure I was downloading less than 8 gb, I think it was about 6.75 gb of music, I think around 1,500 or so tunes. Everything was going fine, then around song 919 I got an error that I beleive said I couldn’t write (I didn’t have access rights) and the name of the song it was on. The error message asked me to skip, skip all, or cancel I beleive. I skipped, thinking maybe something was corrupted with my current song. All of the other songs behind that also had the same error. Finally, I skipped all, and cancelled the downloads. I tried to start from where the error happened, same error. I went further down my song list, same error.

So I decided to see if the 919 files I had DL’d would work.  I made sure it wasn’t transfering anything and disconnected the Fuze from my computer.  First the Fuze sync’d the music database (took about 60 secs, then went really slowly through the menus to get to album level.

When the first song came up, it played less than a secoond of the song, and wouldn’t play anymore. I tried to forward, and the player is basically super slow, and took about 20-30 secs to move to song 2 but never played a note.  Tried this numerous times with numerous artists/albums, same results.

Next, I tried to delete all of the songs I had DL’d so I could start from scratch. I got another error (and I apologize, I don’t recall what this error was but I think it had to do with not having access).

So I did a hard shutdown and rebooted the Fuze. Same results through 3 more reboots. So I decided to format the player using the format option in the system settings. It formatted and shut the player down afterwards.  When I powered it back up, the opening screen came up but it stays on the opening screen for a long time (30+ secs). When it gets past the opening screen I get the message “Not enough Disk space for music DB, please free 90 mb.” Also, now my computer does not recognize the device.

I DL’d the latest firmware at the start. As it stands, it shuts off right after it tells me it needs the 90 mbs for the music DB. When I attach it through my computer with the USB cable, it gives me a Window - No Disk error - Exception Processing Message c0000013 parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c - Cancel/Try Again/Continue.  

Any ideas???

Just curious, which mode did you connect in, MSC or MTP? I always stay the hell away from MTP as much as humanly possible. That may not be your problem but it’s probably a good guess.

I know I was in MSC to begin with.  As I grew more desperate in trying different things, I assume the setting stuck, but who knows how it was connecting as I was unable to even get into the settings screens.  I know when the first issue occurred (stopping around file 919) I was hooked as MSC.

Oh, ok. What’s the state of the player now, can you navigate the menus, change settings, and does the computer recognize it?

Ive had this same issue, it turned out to be improper id3 tags.  Several songs in a paticular album had id3 tags refering to the wrong tracks, some tags even had the same id3 info.  Check the id3 tags and try again.

"What’s the state of the player now, can you navigate the menus, change settings, "


“and does the computer recognize it?” 


"Ive had this same issue, it turned out to be improper id3 tags.  Several songs in a paticular album had id3 tags refering to the wrong tracks, some tags even had the same id3 info.  Check the id3 tags and try again. "

I wish I could.  I can’t navigate menus nor will my computer recognize the player any more.  It boots to the opening screen, gives me the 90 mb warning, then immediately shuts down before I can navigate anywhere.  If I plug it into my computer, It gives me the opening screen, the 90 mb warning, and then says it is connected on the player.  On my computer, I get a ballon saying my USB device is not recognized.  Funny thing is, when I go through to Safely Remove Hardware, I can see the drive and it calls it a SanDisk Sansa Fuze 8 gb USB device, and it is giving it 2 drive letters in Windows Explorer (weird??), but when I try to access the drives Windows Explorer locks for several minutes then comes back with Insert Disk into drive errors.

"but when I try to access the drives Windows Explorer locks for several minutes then comes back with Insert Disk into drive errors."

I’ll add one more thing.  I also get a different error sometimes (I get both errors):

J:\ is not accessible.  The semaphore timeout period has expired.

it sounds like a lemon (a defective player), you should probably call 1866SanDisk to get it replaced, or possibly return it to the place of purchase. Most places  have at least 14 day return period.

Thought of one other thing.  Does it make a difference whether the music goes into the player in folders?  I noticed the sample tracks were all in folders.  All of the music I have is just files, no folders.  I just dropped the files into the Music folder.  Should all of the music under the Music folder have a folder level below Music (which mine did not)?   After the player first errored out and gave me the skip/skip all warnings, I noticed the player recognized the artist/album/song even though nothing was organized into folders.  I wouldn’t think this would make a difference, but who knows. 

I have run out of ideas now that I cannot even access menus.

No, the folders shouldn’t make any difference. I agree with the previous poster, it sounds like a defective player. Maybe try it on another computer first, but it sounds like you’ll have to exchange it.

the slow response sounds like maybe something (a chip, wiring inside) is loose. I suggest exchanging for another one.

If you connect in recovery mode by setting the lock switch,  then press and hold the <<  (REW ) key while connecting,  then try to do a MSC format.  i think the filesystem is corrupted.

"If you connect in recovery mode by setting the lock switch,  then press and hold the <<  (REW ) key while connecting,  then try to do a MSC format.  i think the filesystem is corrupted. "

If I do that immediately after powering on, I get the following error:

Please unlock the Hold switch to power on.  System shutdown. – Then it shuts down.

If I am a little slower, then it does the same 90 mb needed for music DB error as described above.  – Then it shuts down

Power off

Set the lock switch.  hold the rew key.

Connect USB  (device should power on)

Format from the PC. 

Power off

Set the lock switch.  hold the rew key.

Connect USB  (device should power on)

Format from the PC. 

When I do that, the player shows connected, my computer gives the message that USB device is not recognized, and the device is not found in Windows Explorer.  I was finally able to get Explorer to show the device in the file tree, but when you click on the drive it is assigned, it says the drive is not accessible.  I am thinking the file system is scrambled as you mentioned before.

Message Edited by Lumion on 04-23-2008 02:07 AM

Just an update on my situation.  I returned the original unit and got another and loaded it and a 4 gb micro sdhc and it is working like a charm.  I think there was something wrong with the original unit from the start.  When I loaded the first songs to the first player it was taking 15-20 secs per song to load (6 hours give or take to get to 900 songs).  Since I have never used a Sansa, I had no baseline for what speed it should take to load although I thought it was loading really slow.  The new unit loads probably a song per 1-2 secs.  Anyway, loving the player, was a great choice.

Thanks for everyone’s help, patience and suggestions!!