Is this normal?

I have just gotten a Clip Zip and it sometimes gives out static between songs. Not a major problem, but somewhat annoying. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something I can do to stop it?

If I remember correctly, this was an issue with some .mp3 files on the player as it originally came from the factory with the original firmware version. This was fixed in the 1st update. You should update the firmware. Click here to go to the latest f/w release.

I would advise just manually installing it (via the directions in the post); don’t bother with the Updater.

@miikerman wrote:

@tapeworm wrote:

If I remember correctly . . . .

Your memory serves you well; this indeed was the case.

Once in a while I get lucky. :wink:

@tapeworm wrote:

@miikerman wrote:

@tapeworm wrote:

If I remember correctly . . . .

Your memory serves you well; this indeed was the case.


Once in a while I get lucky. :wink:


So what they say about marriage isn’t always true? :laughing:

@marvin_martian wrote:

So what they say about marriage isn’t always true? :laughing:


Once in a while . . .
