Is there anyway that I could get my sansa clip to work on my windows vista? When I bought it, I didnt look enough to see if it works on Vista’s and I went home and started to read the guide and it said that it required windows xp. So I was just wondering if there was anyway I could make it work or else I have to return it. Thank you… would appreciate any help.
Yes it works on Vista
Make sure you have Windows Media Player 10 or 11 installed, and that should be all you need.
I have version 11 but everytime I plug the USB. The sansa clip player doesnt even pop up like it said it would. it only charges my sansa clip. Could you give me a step by step instructions cause I cant figure it out. In my “My Computer” there is no “Sansa Cip”
wait. i think i figured it out. wait
Ok now the question is how do I transfer my limewire music to my sansa clip?
i think i figured it out too i think
Message Edited by misha20 on 04-27-2008 08:54 PM
You go, girl!