Info on podcast listening

Hi folks. I’m still using an old m250 but I find that don’t listen to much music any more. I almost listen to podcasts exclusively now. For which the m250 is quite a painful companion. So two quick questions. I understand that the zip auto-bookmarks where you left off. 1.Do these bookmarks store even if I go and add a couple new podcasts which updates the library, or does it erase those bookmarks?

And 2. Whats the general fast forward speed on the zip? My m250 constantly loses my place in the midst of 90 minute tracks and it fast forwards at about 1:10, which is excruciating.

Thanks for the help folks!

@donbaloo wrote:
 1.Do these bookmarks store even if I go and add a couple new podcasts which updates the library, or does it erase those bookmarks?

Thanks for the help folks!

I can only speak to this question as I do not fast forward. The bookmarks do stay, and by this I mean you can choose a podcast and resume playing where you left off even after adding more podcasts of the same type.

Thanks conversionbox, that’s good to know. Can you speak to whether the clip+ can do this as well? Still trying to decide whether I even need the zip over the plus. From what I can tell the plus was updated to handle podcasts in much the same way that the zip is now doing. Seems that some folks even prefer the older display on the plus over the colored art display of the zip. Tough call for me. I’ve also read that the sd card would protrude from the body of the plus a bit. I managed to find one picture that showed the plus with an sd card that was hanging out by about half the micro sd card! Surely this was just illustrating the usability of a micro sd card, and they don’t actually protrude THAT much?

@donbaloo wrote:
Thanks conversionbox, that’s good to know. Can you speak to whether the clip+ can do this as well? Still trying to decide whether I even need the zip over the plus. From what I can tell the plus was updated to handle podcasts in much the same way that the zip is now doing. Seems that some folks even prefer the older display on the plus over the colored art display of the zip. Tough call for me. I’ve also read that the sd card would protrude from the body of the plus a bit. I managed to find one picture that showed the plus with an sd card that was hanging out by about half the micro sd card! Surely this was just illustrating the usability of a micro sd card, and they don’t actually protrude THAT much?

Here’s some pictures…Clip+ first

And here is the Clip Zip…

I’m no professional photographer, but i think you can see the difference there.:wink:

Ah, thanks Marvin. I see the difference, but the plus isn’t as bad as the one photo I saw. So that’s a relief. The zip looks fantastic, but I may be leaning towards the plus because I think it’s got me covered for my needs and costs a little less. From my browsing the boards and researching, it appears that both the zip and plus handle podcasts in the same way, I.e. Organization, auto bookmarking, etc. Is this true?

Good point milkerman, and that has occurred to me. Right now I just can’t think of what they’d add to increase usability for my podcasts though. And by all accounts the plus is a fine device.

But, after all is said and done, we’re only talking about a 10 dollar difference maybe. I may get the zip after all.
Thanks folks!

“Right now I just can’t think of what they’d add to increase usability for my podcasts though. And by all accounts the plus is a fine device.”

I can. The Clip+ and Clip Zip are nice devices,  however I want variable speed playback with automatic pitch correction. I like listening to podcasts on my pc at 1.4 or 1.5x with automatic pitch correction (using Windows Media Player).