Because I like to listen to music really loud when i workout and that is the only way i really can use it without an amp with my crappy mdr-v150’s.
So would it overload? I’d only be using the fuze with this headphone and setting for like 3 hours a week.
Replay gain on, pre gain 12db, all custom eq to +12.
@tmansdc wrote:
Because I like to listen to music really loud when i workout and that is the only way i really can use it without an amp with my crappy mdr-v150’s.
So would it overload? I’d only be using the fuze with this headphone and setting for like 3 hours a week.
Replay gain on, pre gain 12db, all custom eq to +12.
You’re going to ruin your ears
, if you haven’t already.
I just pulled my V150’s down, and I don’t use the replay gain, but a louder album, EQ Normal, max volume with those headphones is definitely way too loud…I didn’t make it 10 seconds. It probably won’t hurt your Fuze, but it’s doing a fine job destroying your hearing. Those headphones do not need an amp to be loud… they don’t require much power at all to go too loud. Chill with the volume before you need a hearing aid…seriously!
It’s weird, I went to the hearing doctor yesterday, said my hearing was just fine, in fact it was above average (I could hear i think from 40hz to about 10khz or however bass to treble frequency is called at actually about 5 to 6 decibels better then normal or something.
But yet, I need to turn my music up to about 85 or 90db to get the full details. Maybe i have some real high frequency and real low frequency hearing loss.
But eh, I have to turn it to about 80% with my ksc75’s unamped to hear about 70% of the songs on my fuze at good volume. The other ones still too quiet. But then again, it is higher ohm and lower db rated.
Plus it’s only every other day, about 30 to 40 minutes. I never listen to music that loud otherwise.
Would it still kill the fuze though?
edit: Plus loud volume doesn’t seem to bug me much. Maybe i do have hearing loss but not when it comes to people talking. Hmmm… But yet i can put my tv and stereo on at pretty good volumes and yet with three other people in my apt. they don’t complain and they supposedly have somewhat better hearing.
Maybe it’s in my head? lol.
Also it seems like when i’m moving/exercising that even in a quiet area, the music gets “quieter” then it does when i’m sitting perfectly still listening.
And btw, sorry for all the n00bish questions but i’m new to this whole thing so i’m just being careful.
@tmansdc wrote:
It’s weird, I went to the hearing doctor yesterday, said my hearing was just fine, in fact it was above average (I could hear i think from 40hz to about 10khz or however bass to treble frequency is called at actually about 5 to 6 decibels better then normal or something.
But yet, I need to turn my music up to about 85 or 90db to get the full details. Maybe i have some real high frequency and real low frequency hearing loss.
But eh, I have to turn it to about 80% with my ksc75’s unamped to hear about 70% of the songs on my fuze at good volume. The other ones still too quiet. But then again, it is higher ohm and lower db rated.
Plus it’s only every other day, about 30 to 40 minutes. I never listen to music that loud otherwise.
Would it still kill the fuze though?
edit: Plus loud volume doesn’t seem to bug me much. Maybe i do have hearing loss but not when it comes to people talking. Hmmm… But yet i can put my tv and stereo on at pretty good volumes and yet with three other people in my apt. they don’t complain and they supposedly have somewhat better hearing.
Maybe it’s in my head? lol.
Also it seems like when i’m moving/exercising that even in a quiet area, the music gets “quieter” then it does when i’m sitting perfectly still listening.
And btw, sorry for all the n00bish questions but i’m new to this whole thing so i’m just being careful.
The KSC75’s do need more power than the V150’s, true…(I have those too.) The scenario you’re describing , I don’t think it will hurt your Fuze, and maybe your hearing is fine now…but I’m guessing you’re a bit younger than I am…and I can tell you that loud headphone use takes a toll over the years…believe me. 
I’m still somewhat young but i’m sure the last 8 years have taken a somewhat toll on my hearing it’s just normal hearing tests won’t show it.
And I know you do. I need to make a sig sunday next time i’m online and show my dap’s and headphones and amps and such.