I got a new Fuze this weekend. I was really excited to try Rhapsody.
So, I popped in the little CD that came with my Fuze, signed up for the 14 day trial, gave it my credit card number and everything, and got ready to drag and drop songs and albums-
-but it’s asking me to pay for songs. It says I don’t have a Subscription device.
I did some googling and saw that a lot of people have had this problem. I tried everything that’s seemed to work for everyone else but it’s still not working for me.
I double checked, and I do have the latest version of Rhapsody (4.545), and I did sign up for Rhapsody To Go.
I tried AutoDetect and MTP for the USB settings.
I downloaded Windows Media Player 10 (I previously had 8).
I tried switching USB ports.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Rhapsody.
I tried all these steps again, restarting my computer between each one, and nothing has changed.
The “Authorize” option for my Fuze simply does not show up when I right click on the icon. The SANSA FUZE does show up as a source, but right clicking only shows “Device Options” and “Disconnect”.
Tools, Preferences, My Devices tells me Rhapsody needs to do an update to support my device, but as stated before, I have Rhapsody 4.545, which I just downloaded today.
The My Account, Manage My Devices screen is useless. It just tells me to click on the non-existent “authorize” option I mentioned above.
… help?
To add to the fun, I can import songs from CD and put them onto my Fuze, but for some reason, it’s dropping the artist name, album name and genre. It lists all three as “unknown”, even though they showed when I put the songs in the Library before moving them to the Fuze.
Message Edited by tailsbob on 11-30-2008 09:52 AM