Yes . . . please don’t post the same question multiple places. Not only is it extremely confusing to everyone, but it un-necessarily clutters up the place.
Ouch. Play nice, folks, it’s only a question, right? The Fuze uses a Lithium Polymer battery, with a higher energy density than the earlier lithium battery of the Sansa e200, and it may behave a wee bit differently in terms of service life.
My Fuze is a year old, and it seems to be pumping along just fine. The Fuze doesn’t get the daily grind that my e280v2 does; the e280 is docked quite regularly, and gets topped off in the process.
I would try running the device down for a cycle, let it go down to “feed me” status, and recharge for a few hours, preferably overnight. Then see how she does in the long run. Topping off these batteries should give the longest service life, but these wee cells are new…