I need help!

Can someone help me out here, please? I have a Sansa Connect, which I bought almost a year ago. SO far, my device has been workin’ well but its goin’ thru 2 problems. 1st one, it used 2 use the sansa media converter but now its no longer using it & the 2nd one is that I accidentally changed my Sansa Connect 2 MTP Mode & I’m tryin’ 2 change it back 2 its original mode so that I could the Sansa Updater. Oh, and about that program every time I keep tryin’ 2 run that program, I end up with the Internet Explorer Script Error Pop-Up. I know that its because I’m usin’ Mozilla Firefox. But what can I do 2 update the driver on my MP3 Player? Please I really need help. There must be another way 2 do this other than usin’ the Sansa Updater 'cause the way I see it, it seems as though the Sansa Updater is only Internet Explorer-Compatible.

“it used 2 use the sansa media converter but now its no longer using it”


Your Sansa Connect doesn’t use the Sansa Media Converter.  YOU use the Sansa Media Converter to convert videos to a format that your Connect can play.  I may not understand the problem you’re having here.


“the 2nd one is that I accidentally changed my Sansa Connect 2 MTP Mode & I’m tryin’ 2 change it back 2 its original mode so that I could the Sansa Updater”


The Sansa Connect’s normal operating mode is MTP.  Also, you don’t use the Sansa Updater to update the Sansa Connect’s firmware.  You either use the Sansa Connect Recovery Tool:




or you let the firmware update over the WiFi connection.