I have a SanDisk USB, where the board, containing the USB pins, and what I guess to be the memory area, has snapped in half.
I have attached a photo of it, and should it show here, let me explain.
Top three bits are the USB and the circuit board in its three parts, broken as shown.
There is no possible way to connect the two halfs of the board.
The bit on the top right, has, eight copper pads, of which I presume will be a possible backup connection to the memory on the drive.
Is there any device, I can attach to that 8-pin area, to perhaps read all the data off the USB. I have another USB ready to take the data, all I need is some way to attach to that board.
For me, its impossible to recover without required tools to recover data, if the flash contains important data, it’s better to send it to data recovery facility, I recommend DataSavers because SanDisk trust it on data recoveries
Hi…i don’t have experience with Sandisk but I have 3 different USB thumb drives. I had issues with all three. I formatted them all and it worked last night and today. Tonight I opened the car door and the gray X is back. Tried another freshly formatted drive the same thing. I will be glad when I figure this out. I might try a different brand drive.
At the outset, I would like to apologize for any mistakes I might make while writing this post.
I wanted to know if the flash drive could be repaired because I have the same problem. It is broken in a similar way as shown in the photo here.