hey [Fuze and Video]

just got my fuze 4gb and a couple of msd card love this thing can’t believe how fast it is and how well it works…

oh did have one little problem replay gain white scr crashed it.

not sure why I just got new fw don’t think I’ll need that anyway.

got a couple of questions on vids as they seem real picky and the app msc is less than solid.

how big a file can I use and does it have to be 320res? 

Fixed your title- this helps others figure out the topic of discussion.  I would’ve used wazzup, but that’s a little oudated.



Message Edited by microsansa on 12-03-2009 07:46 PM

Video has to go through Sansa Media Converter, which you have to get through the Sansa Updater, or through a third-party program like video4fuze, which you can look up with the Search box.

There’s apparently a Replay Gain bug in the x.x.28 firmware, so get the .26 firmware from the Firmware Update link (near the top of the page) and do it manually (since the Updater only updates if it sees an older version, and .28 is newer). 

And if you have more questions, suggest what they are in the subject line. “Hey” gets widely ignored around here. 

Message Edited by Black-Rectangle on 12-02-2009 04:40 PM

With SMC you can use almost any type/size of video as input (almost) and other than the time it takes it should work fine… I’ve fed it 720x480 avi files and it happily converted them…

Black-Rectangle wrote:


And if you have more questions, suggest what they are in the subject line. “Hey” gets widely ignored around here. 

Oh, I don’t know . . .  it usually gets a rise outta some people here. :stuck_out_tongue:

@tapeworm wrote:

@black_rectangle wrote:


And if you have more questions, suggest what they are in the subject line. “Hey” gets widely ignored around here. 

Oh, I don’t know . . .  it usually gets a rise outta some people here. :stuck_out_tongue:


And can cause a few to flip out?  Must have been bad hay.

Tapeworm wrote:

Black-Rectangle wrote:


And if you have more questions, suggest what they are in the subject line. “Hey” gets widely ignored around here. 

Oh, I don’t know . . .  it usually gets a rise outta some people here. :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe the old line was, “and grass is cheaper!” :stuck_out_tongue:

That must be some good alfalfa hay on the left.

Note that the .28 revision should work, as long as you turn ReplayGain off for now (if you have a rev.2 device).  Video is significantly better with the latest build, since you have the Video Resume and Video Bookmarks working again in this version.

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue:

uh ok just being cordial thanks for info