Help For Buy Fuze +


I want to buy a new mp3 player as fuze+ but some my friends said fuze+ is slow skipping between songs,browsers or menu.

I really hate slow skipping .If I buy it , Can it be fixed by firmware ?

Compared against earlier machines, I’m enjoying the Fuze+ immensely.  Some users have noted delays iin the interface, yes, but this doesn’t manifest itself in my normal navigation; there’s a sequence of operation using albums as a starting point where I see the interface hesitate, but this definitely can be improved via firmware.

The Fuze+ is a new design, radically different, with plenty of animation to the interface.  With this background processing going on, you’d assume that the device would have trouble completing tasks, but it’s pretty fast, and very smooth.

The only difficulty I see is when a large music database is loaded.  Some users are running with quite a few tracks, thousands of them, including a mounted microSD card.  Loading all of this data can delay startup, another issue potentially solved via careful programming.

In the meantime, I love the little guy, it is an impressive machine.  Just as the original firmware builds for the first Fuze, actually developed while hidden inside the e200 shell (as the v2 model), went through successive improvements and enhancements, the Fuze+ is a worthy successor.

I most definitely would not classify the interface as slow or kludgy.  The touch pad control does take some acclaimation, especially for users of the earlier Sansa models, but learning the ropes doesn’t take too long.  In the future, a little recalibration of the touch pad will be very nice, and I’m sure this will be enhanced too.

I’ve been busy trying to corrupt the little monster, throwing as many curves as I can at it, using Rhapsody, and several video conversion utilities.  So far, the Fuze+ has fared admirably.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

Thank you … :slight_smile: