If I’m not mistaken, the Fuze supports up to 16gb micro SDHC cards? If so, then what are some good cards to buy? As long as it’s cheap and it works, it’s good for me. I can’t seem to find 16gb micro sdhc’s on newegg.
Message Edited by MingoDynasty on 12-19-2008 10:08 PM
@mingodynasty wrote:
If I’m not mistaken, the Fuze supports up to 16gb micro SDHC cards? If so, then what are some good cards to buy? As long as it’s cheap and it works, it’s good for me. I can’t seem to find 16gb micro sdhc’s on newegg.
Message Edited by MingoDynasty on 12-19-2008 10:08 PM
There are no cheap 16GB micro cards yet.
On Amazon, the SanDisk 16GB is going up and down in price…the other day is was in the mid-$50 range, right now it’s about $75…and I haven’t seen anything but SanDisk ones yet. Of course, I would prefer a SanDisk card for a SanDisk player anyways:smiley:
The 16’s are fairly new. They only came out the end of September, so the price is still a little steep. Discounters like Newegg and the like will wait until they can offer a very good price on something and not necessarily be the first on the block to have it available. While the 16GB SD card (standard) size is available from different manufacturers, I think SanDisk has got the only 16GB Micro SDHC card on the market.
Look at what the the introduction of the ‘16’ has done to the price of 4 & 8GB cards! Newegg has them for $10 & $18 respectively. They also do not sell the SanDisk brand. Their big memory card sources are Kingston & Transcend. Some people have had compatibilty issues with the Kingston cards when trying to use videos on their Sansas.
Myself, I will pay a couple dollars more for a SanDisk brand, rather than trying to pinch pennies and get another one that may or may not work as expected.
If you re-read my previous post, you’ll find I said,
[Some people have had compatibilty issues with the Kingston cards when trying to use videos on their Sansas.]
Nobody has reported any issues with music files. It depends on what your intentions are for the card, music or videos?
In reveiwing the rather lengthy threads on the Kingston brand compatibilty issue, the problem might only be with certain size cards. You can read read them and decide for yourself whether this might cause you concern or not.
If you have a Staples near you! The have a 8 Gb Sandisk brand micro sdhc card this week for $29.99… It’s a class 2 card I think but for music it works great! My wife got one a few months back for her player when they had a blowout price on them of $14.99! She leaves it in the player all the time so she does not have to worry about refresh times!! George
If you have a Staples near you! The have a 8 Gb Sandisk brand micro sdhc card this week for $29.99… It’s a class 2 card I think but for music it works great! My wife got one a few months back for her player when they had a blowout price on them of $14.99! She leaves it in the player all the time so she does not have to worry about refresh times!! George
That’s the same one I have George, except I got it off of Amazon. And like your wife, I leave it in the player all the time. With music only, it does work like a charm…I never put any video on it, so I can’t speak to that, though. I used to do a few video podcasts but I always had them on the internal memory, and that was more to test out the capabilites of the new toy than anything else. Now I just use it for music
I have a Kington 2 GB card that I use with no problem. I’m awaiting a couple of Transcend Cards from Newegg (a 2 and a 4GB) and I’ll let you know how it goes. Unfortunately, my big brown Santa (UPS driver) can’t deliver to our neighborhood in the unseasonable Seattle snow or I could tell you about them now.
I have used the Kingston 2 gb cards in the past for video and music and they are fine. No problems at all. Dirt cheap now.
I have used a Kingston 8 gb and it did NOT work for videos but was fine for music.
I bought an 8 gb Sandisk Class 2 and it is fine for both video and music.
There’s a bit of confusion because the class-rating system apparently changed so some amazon sellers were advertising Class-4 and then shipping Class-2. I heard that Class 2 is now the old class 4. Who knows; this is not an objective report by any means. I can tell you that the Sandisk 8 gb Class-2 card works problem-free on my 8 gb Fuze for both music and video.
I haven’t experienced this myself, but I’ve read and/or heard about a lot of ■■■■ & counterfeit cardds coming out of China through dealers on E-Bay. I shop on E-Bay quite a bit for other things, but don’t know as I’d want to risk buying a memory card there. Better safe than sorry.
Here’s a few on Amazon.com in the low to mid-$50 range. They’re all SanDisk brand. They all seem to have outrageous shipping on them pushing the price up to around $60, but at least Amazon’s partners are reliable.
I haven’t experienced this myself, but I’ve read and/or heard about a lot of ■■■■ & counterfeit cards coming out of China through dealers on E-Bay. I shop on E-Bay quite a bit for other things, but don’t know as I’d want to risk buying a memory card there. Better safe than sorry.
Here’s a few on Amazon.com in the low to mid-$50 range. They’re all SanDisk brand. They all seem to have outrageous shipping on them pushing the price up to around $60, but at least Amazon’s partners are reliable.
I got some info on other forums where ppl buyed from certaing sellers on ebay so I ordered one. 53$ with shipping, not bad.
Seller has a 99,7% rating, and 32000 positive reviews so, I trust him.
Amazon is no option for me, since I live in Croatia, and things from Amazon usually get through the import customs service so they add at least 30% on the price.
Things from ebay which cost less than (let’s say) 80$ come through usual post service with no extra costs.
Will recommend the seller if everything works out fine. Stay tuned, I’ll report my experience here
I’ve been using a Sandisk 16gb microSD card in my 8 gb Fuze for about the past month .I’ve had no problems whatsoever with either music or video.I think i paid around $80 dollars.
I just got the 16GB card from ebay. 52$ including shipment.
Shipment from U.S. to Croatia (Europe) in just over a week. Excellent.
Everything works fine 14,8 GB of free space, I have just put 9GB of music on it and fuze was refreshing the library for about a minute.
BTW It’s class 2 card, and no worries about speed of that little thing.
Bought from ebay member “fastflashstore”. Highly recommended.
Message Edited by motom2772 on 12-31-2008 01:20 PM