FYI re: SanDisk and Macs

Hello all you grumblers et al out there! Just a quick note to say I bought (borrowed overnight, actually) a Clip 1GB to see if it would work with my iMac. YES! I have WMP installed, as well as WMV Player (Flip4Mac) so it was fine. Great sound using Shure E2C earphones. My only concern is how long the battery will last/recharges. Not that I’d use it a LOT. Have just picked up an Express 2GB but now after reading numerous postings on this board I will take it back, unopened. Ditto for Micro SD cards. Can’t even record voice on them?!? How stupid!!! I liked the Clip but wish it could also record from the FM radio. Will read up on it next…mostly want it for listening to radio and voice recording. Have the 1st Gen. 60GB video iPod and 2nd Gen. 4GB Nano. Totally happy with both! Thanks to Tim Horton’s Roll Up The Rim for the Nano last year. I use it the most!

i love how mac fanboys flock over here

Actually I hadn’t notice the flocking, but wish to offer a correction. I’m a fanWOMAN! And probably am old enuf 2b ur mom. That’s not part of the problem, LOL!!! Got another Clip. Froze up. SOLID. Read everything here. Didn’t help at all. Took Clip back. Customer Service said: Oh, yeah, we get a LOT of these returned. They’re a real pain!!! (I didn’t get an exchange Clip, GBG…) So I don’t need to be part of the Sansa Community anymore. MY toys are supposed to be FUN, not frustrating!!! Guess I’m outta here…

Uncouthly Yours,
Lady Titlington
Newbie of Sansa
Old Timer of Mac (since 1983)

Message Edited by uncouth on 03-16-2008 11:10 AM

Actually I hadn’t notice the flocking, but wish to offer a correction. I’m a fanWOMAN! And probably am old enuf 2b ur mom. That’s not part of the problem, LOL!!! Got another Clip. Froze up. SOLID. Read everything here. Didn’t help at all. Took Clip back. Customer Service said: Oh, yeah, we get a LOT of these returned. They’re a real pain!!! (I didn’t get an exchange Clip, GBG…) So I don’t need to be part of the Sansa Community anymore. MY toys are supposed to be FUN, not frustrating!!! Guess I’m outta here…

Uncouthly Yours,
Lady Titlington
ExNewbie of Sansa
Mac User since 1983!