Was your aging 280 a v1 unit? The v1’s used a .pla format playlist stored in the PLAYLIST folder on your player. The v2’s and the FUZE & CLIP have a different processor chip so they act a bit differently.
There should be no problem in copying over your library; it’s the playlists that are the ‘rub’. The only way to get .pla playlists to work is by letting Windows Media Player create them, but sometimes it likes to re-copy all the files again, giving you doubles of everything in your playlist.
The other way of doing it is by creating .m3u format playlists. I have found the only reliable way for me is to use Winamp, but other people have had luck with other methods. The only thing to remember about .m3u playlists is that they _ don’t _ go in the PLAYLISTS folder. They have to be put in the MUSIC folder with the music. I know; weird . . . but that’s the way it is.
Another thing or two, there is a 500 song limit on .pla playlists. No limit on .m3u playlists. And it is impossible to combine songs from BOTH the player’s internal memory and an SD card into a single .m3u playlist and have it work. It just won’t! You have to have a .pla playlist for that, which sends you back to WMP. Not a happy thought in my mind.
So I have my music arranged so that all the music I want on a particular playlist is in the same place; either the player or the card. A pretty crappy workaround I grant you; but it works. Do a search on “playlists” on the FUZE, CLIP, & e200 SERIES boards and you’ll be inundated with discussions on the subject.
I’m having a problem getting my playlist to save. I don’t have any .pla files from an older player so I can’t use your app…I have an .m3u file generated from JRiver Media Center that I used to synch the playlists and files to my new Sansa.
I moved the playlist to the audio directory and got rid of the \Music header on each line. I can’t save it as an ascii though. I’m using Notepad in Vista, and my only encoding options are ANSI,unicode, unicode big endian, and UTF-8. Is there an easy way to do this without installing a new program to vista?