posted in another area but thought itd be better placed in here. enjoy my rant.
So i literally registered and came on here just so i can fully complain about the new Sansa Fuze Plus. It is literally that bad. I used to own the previous sansa fuze with the scroll wheel and the small size. So it breaks accidentally I go to get a new one and i see this new “iphone” looking contraption with touch front. First off, the sensors on the front arrows are so incredablly sensitive that whenever it bumps my hand the songs stops, changes or something irritating. then the sansa takes fforever to turn on or to switch screens because of the amount of new design in it its not strong enough to change as quickly as the previous. on top of that scrolling is a ■■■■■. I would scroll up or down and accidentally slightly touch the side and the entire screen changes, then when i go back it resets back to the top of my artist list and i am in a bad mood. The charger is different and the size is different so i cannot use any of my previous sansa equiptment. LAME. Another irritating quality is the fact the LOCK feature isnt a switch on the side but you hold down the touch pad. WTF? to unlock you slide up. so when its locked and in my hand and my hand happens to “slide up” it unlocks and the song changes in the middle cus it hit my palm. i have never been so irritated with an mp3 player ever except this one ■■■■■. Please go back to the original sansa fuze when it was actually handy. thanks.