Fuze fails to delete old recordings: Any new solutions?

This has been posted before but I don’t see new info or solutions.

After removing recording files from the Fuze via windows, the files are still apparently there when viewed from the Fuze.  Deleting the Mtable.sys file and getting the “rebuild” does not solve the problem.  Connecting in MTP mode does not solve the problem.

I am in the middle of deleting around 50 ghost files one by one.  Each takes about 2 to 3 minutes.  It is a true PITA.

Any new solutions to this bug?  Seems a “Delete all Voice Recordings” option on the Fuze would be very useful.


Are you ‘deleting’ them while connected in MTP mode?


When I switch to MTP mode, and connect to the PC via windows, I get a dialog box that offers two options:

1.  Sync

2.  Take no action

I don’t want to get involved with Sync to WMP, etc, so I choose Take No Action

And then I don’t get access to the Fuze via windows.  No drive letter shows up.

So apparently I cannot switch to MTP mode and then delete files via Windows Explorer.

So, no,  I am deleting the files in MSC mode right now since I can’t seem to gain access to Windows Explorer if the Fuze is in MTP mode.

" And then I don’t get access to the Fuze via windows. No drive letter shows up. So apparently I cannot switch to MTP mode and then delete files via Windows Explorer."

Right click on Start, then click on explore (or open Windows Explorer). _I_n Windows Explorer you will see the Fuze listed as a device when the player is in in mtp mode.


No- I can’t see SANSA fuze in Windows Explorer when the device is in MTP mode.

But thanks for the reply anyway.

“No- I can’t see SANSA fuze in Windows Explorer when the device is in MTP mode.”

Why not? do you have an old version of Windows Media Player? if you have Windows XP, do you you have SP3 installed? with Windows XP, if MTP doesn’t work, and you have recent WMP, then you might need to reinstall WMP to get MTP working.

The other option if you can’t get MTP to work is to format the player using the player’s menu, then reload your songs. I suggest you don’t do this too often, as you don’t want to add extra wear on the flash memory. The flash memory is only good for a limited number of writes(I guess this number may be somewhere between 1,000 and 10,000 for each memory location?).

i personally would use a separate mp3 recorder for making recordings to get much better recording quality, and have better control over the recordings. The Sony PX312 for example is under $50 and has a mic jack and a micro SDHC card slot. It will record in mp3.


I don’t see how what version of Windows Media Player I have would affect having Windows/ Explorer recognize the device.

On this machine I am running XP 5.2 with SP2

Reformatting is not going to be an acceptable solution each time I need to delete ghost files.

A standalone mp3 recorder may be a good thing but I like the fact that I get a recorder on my fuze and use it frequently because of that- and for its tiny size.  I’m sure a standalone FM radio would be better too- but I use the one on the Fuze frequently.  Same thing for picture viewing.

thanks anyway- It’s a nice little device but certainly not perfect.  that’s life.

Blackdog - Remember you also need Windows Media Player 10 or above for MTP to work. I don’t know which version you have, but XP shipped with WMP 9. This would need to be updated (at least to 10) for the MTP drivers.

The recorder in the Fuze is like the eraser that comes on the end of pencil. It will sort of work, but it won’t work as well as a good separate one. I tested recording on my Clip+ and Fuze when I first got them. The huge size of the WAV recordings was annoying. The recordings were very noisy if the mic was more than 2 or 3 feet from the speaker’s mouth. There is no way to adjust the recording settings on the player. I guess it was meant for holding the player near your mouth and recording memos for yourself, and not any serious recordings of lectures or meetings. Imo it should have either been greatly improved, or left off the player. I feel the same way about video on the Fuze. The Fuze is a very nice audio player, but a horrible recorder and video player.

@jk98 wrote:

The recorder in the Fuze is like the eraser that comes on the end of pencil. It will sort of work, but it won’t work as well as a good separate one. I tested recording on my Clip+ and Fuze when I first got them. The huge size of the WAV recordings was annoying. The recordings were very noisy if the mic was more than 2 or 3 feet from the speaker’s mouth. There is no way to adjust the recording settings on the player. I guess it was meant for holding the player near your mouth and recording memos for yourself, and not any serious recordings of lectures or meetings. Imo it should have either been greatly improved, or left off the player. I feel the same way about video on the Fuze. The Fuze is a very nice audio player, but a horrible recorder and video player.

This is exactly correct. It’s an “extra little bonus”; it’s not desgned or built to take the place of, or be a substitute for a dedicated recorder.

Like any multi-tasker, it does several things OK, but not as good as a product built specifically to do a certain task.


I have WMP 10.

I use the recorder mainly to record my child.  I’ve got a large archive of recordings from the time he was an infant.  I’m sure if I had a separate recorder I would not have nearly the amount of recordings that I have.  I can pull the fuze out of my pocket and record very surrepticiously.  Since I often am goofing with the device anyway, he doesn’t really notice it much and it allows me to get candid recordings.

It’s odd that the device isn’t accepting the latest firmware. You should be able to manage the files just fine using MTP mode, especially the resident wav files in the Record folder.

I’d manually select MTP mode and plug in the device.  Then open the Device Manager, locate the Fuze under Portable Device (it will be here even if Windows Explorer does not show it).  Look for the yellow warning triangle of doom next to the listing.  Double click, or right-click, on the fuze, and select uninstall.

Lastly, unplug, then plug in again- windows will reinstall the device, restoring MTP.  Recordings will show in the default MTP mode, as well as the original sample music that was loaded in MTP, if you have any of that remaining.

There are two main situations where the firmware is not accepted, if it is not unzipped (it should be about 15MB), or if it is not placed in the root directory.  This can happen if you inadvertently roll the pointer over a folder when releasing the mouse button.  If in MTP mode, you must expose th root by double clicking on Internal Memory first.

As far as freeze-ups on restart are concerned, do you see the refresh database mask?  Thehe may be something that halts the startup process after booting.  To cure this, format the device first from windows (right click on the device in Windows Explorer), and select format (avoid the Quick option).

Always, after formatting with Windows, unplug and start the device, and use the onboard format command under settings; this will optimize the memory with the proper cluster size.

Test that the firmware has been accepted (it should say Firmware Upgrade In Progress when you disconnect), via Settings > System Settings > Info.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: