I recently lost all my music on my Fuze 8gb internal memory. the settings info shows only 1085 mb of free memory but the music file folder is empty. when the player is connected to my computer in the MTP mode, the music is all there. how can I reset the player and recover the music?
Was the music playable before?
“Music” on the Fuze isn’t a folder. It’s actually a database reading information from the ID3 tags in the files, like Album, Artist, etc. So you need to know that the Fuze can read the tags.
First of all, are the files Fuze playable files? The Fuze will not play m4a files from iTunes. It plays .mp3, .wma, .wav and .flac.
If Music sees m4a files, it ignores them. If necessary, you can convert them to mp3 with iTunes.
If they ARE any of the formats the Fuze plays, the easiest thing to do might be to copy them back on your computer and reload them (or a few of them to test) and see if they show up in Music. What happened will remain a mystery.
Because the Fuze builds Music from the tags, it could also be a tag problem. The Fuze likes ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1 tags best, although it will also read ID3v2.2. However, it will NOT read ID3v1.
This can be fixed with mp3tag, free software.
During installation, allow it to add itself to context menus.
Under Tools/Options/Tags/Mpeg look for Write and choose ID3v2.3 and ISO-8859-1. Save that as default.
Then right-click on one of your album folders and choose mp3tag to open it. Mp3tag will show you the version of the existing tags–and if they are ID3v1, that’s your problem. Just highlight all the files, Save, and mp3tag will add ID3v2.3 tags since you made that the default.
the music on the internal memory had been playable since it was added over the past 2 years but disappeared all at once. the music still takes up memory on the fuze and is visible on my computer when the fuze is connected to my computer in the MTP mode but not the MSC mode. under music >folder> internal memory on the fuze -(empty). the music on the sd card has not been affected by the internal memory issues.I have tried updating the firmware on the fuze without reappearance of the music.
Since you can see the files on the computer, try taking them off and putting them back on. You might want to play a file when it’s back on your computer, just to test it.
MTP can alter files on the way over. If you’re not using Windows Media Player to sync, make playlists, etc., you don’t really need MTP, and MSC is more straightforward. But either one should work.
Your computer can only see MTP mode OR MSC mode, not both, so that’s not unusual.
Are these DRM crippled files that may have “expired”? Have you recently changed or reset the time/date on the unit (that could affect these type of files)?
If they aren’t from some subscription service like Rhapsody or audio books from your library or Audible.com, then what BR suggests is a good idea. Delete them from the player (formatting will do this very quickly and completely) and re-load them onto the player in MSC mode. Much less troublesome.