I listen to a lot of audiobooks on my 4 GB fuse. It has the latest firmware update. The situation; When I am finished with my commute, I can pause ther audiobook in mid chapter (wherever), turn the fuse off. When I turn it back on to listen to it, I can resume at the spot where I paused it.
I can even do this on multiple files at one time - for example, if I pause one AB, skip to another to listen for awhile, & then return to the first one, I can still resume playback on the firt file where I left off. Great, right?
Well, here is where the problem is. When the batt. needs recharging & I plug it in to the pc - after the charging is complete & I power it back on, all my “paused/stopped” files are reset. In other words, all my paused/stop areas are gone, and the file has to be restarted from the beginning.
I hope that makes sense! has anyone here experienced this problem? Is there a way to fix it?
How do you add the books to your player? Is it possible that without your knowledge your computer is resyncing your files and thus resetting the bookmarks? A work around might be for you to use a wall charger as opposed to the computer.
Unfortunantly, I do not have a wall charger. I add files by simply drag & drop them in the audiobooks/music folders that I have created on th player. I don’t have them sorted into the podcasts folder that the fuse has on it.
Unfortunantly, I do not have a wall charger. I add files by simply drag & drop them in the audiobooks/music folders that I have created on th player. I don’t have them sorted into the podcasts folder that the fuse has on it.
I wonder if that would make a difference?
Obviously charging from the computer is the better choice for you, but its always good to have a work around out there just in case the process of finding a solution takes too long. Try putting the audiobooks in to the appropriate folder on the player, same with podcasts. See what happens.
“Unfortunantly, I do not have a wall charger. I add files by simply drag & drop them in the audiobooks/music folders that I have created on th player. I don’t have them sorted into the podcasts folder that the fuse has on it. I wonder if that would make a difference?”
Are you sure they have the genre Podcast or Audiobook? I put my podcasts in the Audiobooks folder. I don’t set the genre. I haven’t noticed the problem you describe.
Some have the genre & some don’t. I don’t bother to edit the tags, etc. anymore as that is too much work. There are many free sources on the web that I snag these from, as wel las radio broadcasts & the like. A lot of these sources don’t bother to name the tags either.
I don’t use the Fuze’s folder heirachy at all; What I have simply done is created two separate folders. One is “music”, & the other is “audiobooks”. I drag the appropiate file into the corresponding folder.
When I turn on the Fuze, I push the menu button, go to “Music”, scroll all the way down to the bottom, the last entry is "Folders. When I click on folders, that is where the “music” & “audiobooks” folders that i created are.
No, I use the audiobooks folder the player has created to put my podcasts in. If you create your own audiobooks folder then the results might be unpredictable.
@jk98 wrote:
No, I use the audiobooks folder the player has created to put my podcasts in. If you create your own audiobooks folder then the results might be unpredictable.
I agree. The folder name that Sandisk made has a capital “A”, “Audiobooks”, don’t know if that makes a difference. When you go to Music and scroll down to Audiobooks (not Folders), do you see your audiobooks? If not, then that’s the problem. The Fuze isn’t seeing them as audiobooks, with the great resume function.
An audiobook will be treated as an audiobook, and a podcasts as a podcast (proper resume functioning), if it’s
- tagged as “Audiobook” or “Podcast” (singular), respectively
- placed in folder “Audiobooks” or “Podcasts” (plural), respectively.
Do you guys have an entry titled “Folders” when you turn your Fuze on? When I push the “Menu” > Music; When I enter the music heading, then turn the wheel to scroll all the way down to the bottom, the Folder entry is present.
However, this Folder is not viewable in Explorer, when I have it connected to the pc. I have reformatted the Fuze & added new music, added music, audiobooks, & podcasts into their respective folders. From what I can tell, it looks like my bookmarks did save to the paused spots this time.
I will keep tabs on it to see if it continues to function properly.
Folders isn’t a Folder. It’s an option that allows you to navigate by folders, as if you were looking at a Windows Explorer window.
For a long time, people were complaining that you couldn’t just look at the folders in the Fuze–that you had to look at the database from the ID3 tags for Artist, Album, etc. Folders finally give those people what they were demanding. Helpful, I guess, for files without good ID3 tags.
Artist, Album, etc., aren’t folders either. They are lists generated from the ID3 tags.