Hey when I record radio on my sansa fuze 4GB.each file takes up a lot of space.isnt there a way to reduce the space that is being used while recording?
I wish I could help you…maybe its the hardware…or the software…sorry im kinda hopelessly confused when it comes to electronics haha♥
No. What most do is to buy an External Micro SD card. Put your music and Stuff on there and If you record a lot of radio then you will have the entire internal memory for your recordings. If you only record a little then you can just leave some room for what you record on the internal memory and then use a computer to edit the tag and then move it to the extenal card like any music File
@sr_rox wrote:
Hey when I record radio on my sansa fuze 4GB.each file takes up a lot of space.isnt there a way to reduce the space that is being used while recording?
Not a direct way, but there’s a work around. The Fuze records in .wav format. If these are recordings that you want to keep for any length of time, you can transfer them to your hard drive, convert themn to .mp3 format (much smaller file size), then transfer the .mp3 files back to your Fuze.
End result? Less space used on your Fuze for the same recordings.