FAQ - How do I reinstall the U3 LaunchPad?

 How To Reinstall U3 LaunchPad


To install the LaunchPad on a Cruzer that originally had U3, Cick Here To Download The U3 Installer.


Once you have saved the Installer, run it and follow the on screen instructions, again, you may choose to back up and restore your data, but you should have already done this manually, just in case something happens during the uninstall.

Message Edited by sansamonsta on 08-16-2010 09:56 AM

I failed to back upthe data.Formated U3 launch pad. Onlyone soft ware ‘GIMP’ is fortunately safe.Whether more soft ware may be installed?

Refer to this thread:  What’s up with U3 website for finding software to readd to the drive.

Sorry to ressurect an old thread I was wondering if there is someone who has cruzer-autorun.iso. I managed to delete the program but I want it back its just 2 GB cruzer as the new launcher setup file wont download the autorun file is there any other way ? thankx.

Not sure exactly what you are looking for ultimatescar.  The autorun file is not that elaborate and Windows no longer runs anything in it anyways.

::AUTORUN support file @Start .\LaunchU3.exe -a

Does the Cruzer still show the CD drive?

No I removed it with sandisk utility so its now clean usb thats why I want the iso file to burn it into the usb.

:smiley:   Hi Ulimatescar,

Dear member of SanDisk Community, welcome.

You may find it useful, some of these portables U3 utilities (free):

- U3 LaunchPad Installer

- U3 LaunchPad Restore

You can download them (free) of:  U3 - DataBase (The last of the Mohicans)

Luck, and then you tell us, what happened, please.

Regards, Alfred.                                                             (Google translated)

Hi Cacho

I tried to the file it gave me a message that I should run it from the usb… so I copied the file to the usb and tried again I gave a message that It shall try to eject and insert again but then gave failed msg that there u3 software is deleted from this disk so couldnt be activated go to manufacturers site to download installation program or contact manufacturers teknink support. I’d have posted the screendump but its in swedish so…  Looks like it just activates is someone/somehow its disabled. and there need to be partition for that as well as the program. so my only hope is the iso file or I’ve to use it like any other standard usb disk.

:smiley:   Hi Ulimatescar,  

Well… I think that there is confusion. The .iso is generated by U3 System.

If you have a Cruzer, that originally had U3,   and that it is not ruined, it is very easy the restoration.

But , in the following manner:

1-    With U3 LaunchPad Installer, in the PC (NEVER in the Cruzer).

2-    Plug the Cruzer.

3-     Run the program, U3 LaunchPad Installer.

3.1-     The program, automatically detects the U3 System , that is in the hardware of the Cruzer, and tell you to do, and ready.

3.2-     The program, says there is something wrong…

3.3-     Then we tried with U3 LaunchPad Restore,   run in the PC (NEVER in the Cruzer).

3.4-    The program, automatically detects the U3 System, that is in the hardware of the Cruzer, and tell you to do, and ready.

3.5-    The program, says there is something wrong…

3.6-    Then we tried with other U3 LaunchPad Remove, run in the PC (NEVER in the Cruzer).

3.7-     The program, automatically detects the U3 System, that is in the hardware of the Cruzer, and tell you to do, and ready.

3.8-     The program, says that all is well, and that has been cleaned well…

3.9-     Then, return to step 3 again, and ready.

3.10-   The program, says that all is wrong, and can not clean up nothing…

3.11-   Implies that U3 System is ruined, we not suffer more, and we use the Cruzer as a common pendrive.

Luck, and then you tell us, what happened, please.

Regards, Alfred.                                                            (Google translated)

You can download them (free) of:  U3 - DataBase (The last of the Mohicans)

Wow!!   A LOT of U3 apps.  Good to know.  Thanks Cacho. :smiley:

But no U3 .isos.  :cry:

WHY did you remove U3 u limatescar?

I was planing to upgrade the launcher and me being genius I thought I’d remove it and install from start.

I think we misunderstood eachother alfred… I dont want it like a pen drive… I’m trying to get back u3… I already have it working as pendrive I just need cruzer-autorun.iso so that i can burn it by u3 tool.

ulimatescar , please read the PM I sent you.

Hi ulimatescar, can you please share the quick steps on how you were able to reinstall U3 LaunchPad?

not yet @rhodesv but I’ll update as soon as I manage it.


Thanx for the link… unfortunately none of the iso worked for me… I could install all of the isos in the cruzer but none worked when I double clicked u3launch.exe  nothing happened… in the task manager it shows up and then disappears again… I’ve tried compatiblity mode, gave administrator rights nothing worked with cruzer-autorun2 it gave me message that it is not compartile with 7 (althought I tried like I mentioned earlier.
