Puchased the above card from Amazon yesterday to use on a Nikon D80 camera. Formatted the card apparently successfully BUT got a warning message that the card was FULL despite no pictures being taken and no images showing.
I inserted the previous used SD card and everything is working perfectly.
Is there a fault with these Pro cards OR is this just a compatability problem please?
Even though you formatted the card, sometimes the camera’s formatting process isn’t perfect. Try reformatting the card directly in your Nikon D80 rather than using a computer.
Or if you are trying to format the card in the computer, then, try formatting it from CMD or Disk management.
This video will help. https://youtu.be/22BfXjafkRw
Thanks for this. I don’t have a computer so I formatted it directly into the camera. I’ve learned since my post that it’s quite likely that the camera’s software is unable to work with cards of a greater capacity than 32 GB.