Extreme Pro USB 3.1 SSD Flash Drive 256GB SMART ERROR OOB?

So I just got this SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.1 SSD Flash Drive 256GB today and am starting to dump a few things on it. And I noticed that my SMART software detected an error on it. I just got it from Amazon new. I can return it but wanted to check to make sure its a real valid error or not. I just got it today. Over all it seems to work just fine. Get a little warmer than most my other usb flash based drives IMO. If I need to return it I can. And should I expect to see a different temp for the device other than 8c? It doesnt seem to change to or from 8c.

I went ahead and setup a return with Amazon. This thing gets hot ass h3ll even when its not doing anything. plus I just dont trust it. hope the next one doesnt have this issue. at least with the SMART ERROR. 

Does this drive run hot for other people?

 8C = 46.8F which is cold not hot.

I agree but I darn near burned my finger trying to unplug it. Regardless of what the temp says it is its hot as heck.

So as it turns out the replacement I received says and does the exact same thing. Runs a little on the hot side and fails SMART CHECK. 

Am I reading this correctly? I just want to make sure I can rely on his device. And yes I make regular backups of any and all data. But still peace of mind is always nice.

Given the price tag behind this little guy I just want to make sure that this SMART error is valid or not. How can I tell? Other SMART software apears to report the same thing.

We are reading the chart wrong.  While the drive might have been 8C at some point its Temperature Current value is 92C = 197.6F!!  Yes, its HOT!!  But the chart highlighted the coldest temp which is probably when you first got it and plugged it in. A one time thing.

The chart is equally confusing with the Remaining Life numbers.  Current is 0, the Threshold is 5 and the Worst is 100.  If the Threshold is 5 I would think the warning would come if Current was 4 or 6 not 0.

Does the drive cool down after you stop loading stuff onto it?

The drive does cool down after its done read/writing so that is a good thing but the temp in SMART reading never changes. I do expect the drive to get a little warm or even hot while I am dumping 75GB+ of data onto it as long as it cools down when its done.

One thing I did notice about the replacement drive vs the 1st drive I got was the second drive activity light is nowhere near as bright (maybe that was adding unneeded heat to other drive?) Overall the drive seems to work just fine.

My guess is that since its a SSD inside of a USB Flash drive form factor using USB 3.1 interface which kind of new that SMART is just not 100% accurate (yet). im guessing that at some point the next version of this drive/line will employ the proper ability to read smart correctly of at least not give false alarming details. at first glance it made me not want this drive but the drive is too **bleep** fast to just pass on a false positive. 

I have been a long time fan and supporter of sandisk drives both internal and external, im hoping that I have nothing to worry about or that sandisk will fix it. :slight_smile:


Interesting.  http://download.cnet.com/CrystalDiskInfo/3000-2086_4-10832082.html shows the current version as being 7.5 and the Operating Systems as Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8.  No mention of Windows 10.  That could explain some of the things your seeing.

I am all for sharing information, for in the chance someone else has similar inquiries. I wanted to share SanDisk’s response to my official ticket I opened up on the subject. Bottom Line is SanDisk is basically saying to Ignore SMART errors that may be reported about this drive. I’m semi-ok with this response as I understand that this model drive is basically a SSD inside a flash drive form factor and as a result SMART is not reliable. But if that is the case it should be made aware in some sense as I have always relied on SMART to give ma a “better than nothing” type of SSD health report or status check on my SSDs overall health. Since this drive is marketed/advertised on SanDisk’s own website as a “SANDISK EXTREME PRO USB 3.1 SOLID STATE FLASH DRIVE” it should mention somewhere even if its in small print that SMART reports should not be taken into account when checking the overall health of this SSD/USB Flash Drive etc… or something to that effect. But then again. I’m just a user not a techie type person.

How else can I at least check the Read/Write Life Cycles and or Temp etc…on this drive?


Response Via Email (Aria Y.) 11/07/2017 01:12 PM
Dear Chris,
Thank you for contacting SanDisk® Global Customer Care. It is our goal to make sure that your query is resolved so that you can enjoy using your SanDisk® product. 
I understand that you are getting SMART error on your flash drive. Please note that SMART test is for Solid State Drives (SSD). Extreme Pro USB 3.1 uses Solid State technology but basically it is a flash drive. Hence, we do not recommend running SMART test on it. A flash drive is a plug and play external storage device that saves the data inside it. You can simply connect the drive to your computer and transfer data onto it. There is not need to run SMART test on it as SMART test is for Solid State Drives. Please refer to the link given below in order to know more about USB flash drives and SMART test:

Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)
Your reference ID for your future references is 4179587. Please reply to this email should you require further assistance. We are glad to help!
Best regards,
Aria Y.
SanDisk® Global Customer Care

Odd, if you go directly to the Support page, click on SSDs, the first drive listed is the Samsung Extreme 900. If it’s not an SSD, then why is it listed under SSDs?

Hi MrChris,

I bought the same key as you since about the same date as you, that of your post.
I discover today that my key supports the SMART protocol and I have the same error as you.

What is your feedback from your last post?
Have you had any worries?
Do you still think it’s a false positive?
SanDisk gives me the same answer as you but I can not convince myself.
I suggest you read this page which describes a key of the same range. The ID = 232 / E8 is indicated at 100 and not zero.

What do you think ? or maybe someone else had the same experience?


Here is the summary of my exchange with SanDisk.
I have shortened the text to keep the technical information useful.
I think it’s a little clearer now.
This may be useful for others, especially those who are fooled into electronics.
And more generally, whatever the type of key.

Q: I would like to have a purely technical explanation of how your products work.
   For now I would like to have more general information
   When a product (SanDisk here) is presented with the term SSD, can it be considered that this product will support the SMART protocol?
SanDisk: No sir. As my colleagues have already explained, this key uses SSD technology;
   but it remains as a traditional USB key. It does not support the SMART protocol.
   This information applies to all SSDs that use SMART technology

Q: So Sandisk SSDs do not support all the smart protocol?
SanDisk: But here it’s not a SSD, it’s a USB key
   As I told you, even if your key uses SMART technology, it is a simple USB key
   Yes SSD supports SMART protocol

Q: Does the support for this protocol depend on the format of the SSD?
SanDisk: SMART protocol support is applied only to SSDs; but to USB keys that use SSD technology
   I meant the SMART protocol support is not applied to USB keys even though they use SMART technology

Q:… there are tests where your keys are displayed with ID = E8 at 100 and not zero.
   It is written as “USB Flash Drive SSD” in Sandisk ads.
SanDisk: The format is a simple USB key. The key does not support SMART values.

Q: I do not understand why Sandisk engineers have made efforts to implement the SMART protocol and that Sandisk is advertising it if it is to display information that is deliberately false or inappropriate.
SanDisk: On the package, it says “with SSD performance” which means the drive has only one SSD.
   The “life remaining” value is a specific SSD value that is not supported by this drive because it is not a real SSD.
   Therefore, not all SMART values ​​are supported.
   When the read / write speeds of the drive are within specifications, the drive operates correctly.

Thank you for this discussion on the forum. When using CtystalDiskInfo 8.3.1 yesterday,  I was surprised to get Health status BAD, Remaining life 0, and temperature 8°C which is perfectly wrong. Since my Sandisk Extreme PRO USB3.1 256G is brand new I was up to fill a RMA. It seems that the last firmware version 6EB1030 is not compatible with last CrystalDiskInfo version. This misconduct generates anxiety and rather long research on Internet for nothing and is time consuming. Ilt would have been so easy to advertize on that matter : no accurate smart info with flash drive device. 

Same thing here, I got a 256Gb Sandisk Extreme PRO drive and I had SMART errors (temperature stuck at 8 + spare block at 0%) , exchanged that drive and the second is the same (while my old 2014 Sandisk Extreme reports 100% ok), what is this??? Are the new drives a step backward?