Rhapsody Channels were first introduced on the Sansa Rhapsody player (E200R series) and has been available for the clip, fuze and clip+ and now many other non Sansa players.
Basically Rhapsody channels are like off line music stations, except that you can skip forward or backwards at will. Unlike channels on the E200R, you can not see the track list in the channel via the player. Channels on the E200R series allowed you to see the entire setlist and pick anywhere to start. With the Fuze and Clip+ you can only skip forward and back.
Once you stop playback, it will take up where you left off.
If you click on the center button while a track is playing, it will be added to your library and will appear in your track listing like any other track.
The cool thing about channels, is that everytime you connect to Rhapsody, you can “update” the channel and it will “erase” the tracks you’ve already listened to and replace them with other tracks. Tracks that you have “added” to your library will not be erased during the channel update, so using that feature is a nice way to “keep” a song you’ve discovered and would like to keep. However, marking a track as part of your library removes it from the play rotation in the channel (I believe).
The channels range from 3.0 to 5.0 hours of music per channel. Some channels on Rhapsody are smaller than others. The most popular channels are refreshed by Real more often than some of the more vague ones. So it’s possible after a couple of refreshes, you will have gone through the whole tracklist offered by Real for that channel.
I love channels, it’s a great genre mix for work, and I can go home and refresh the channel and have a new mix the next day. I’ve also discovered a lot of new music using channels. In fact, Channels are the ONLY reason I have stayed with Rhapsody for so long. Sure, it’s cool to download individual tracks, albums, and some of the playlists in Playlist Central are cool, but Channels simply rock.
The ONLY thing that would make it better would be a function on the player that would allow me to shuffle across all channels. Load up 5 channels, hit shuffle and allow me to listen to a mix across genre channels would truly be cool.
Hope this helps.
Message Edited by p_opus on 10-22-2009 06:49 AM
Message Edited by p_opus on 10-22-2009 06:51 AM