I have an E280, and recently heard about firmware updates, and thought -what a good idea!
So in my ignorance, I went along to the site, and downloaded the UpdaterInstaller, and ran what I thought was the firmware update for my player, and in the process I seem to have crippled it! (
many folders vanished, and those remaining are either empty or oddly named and apparently corrupt)…
-Question is, is there anywhere I can get the original firmware file for the E280 8GB?
That’s good to hear. and u did do ur reasearch. I had to do that same procedure you did so i could get my E250 going till I hit another snag. so i had to make a file called sansa.fmt it did the job. Just save a blank gile using notepad and save it as the file name sansa.fmt and it formats the deviced back to it’s orginal format. To put it in go, it’s the same way like you would do the firmware