I am very delighted to read this! However, I am still in search of a few pictures of the Sandisk and/or Griffin Dockingstation without the corresponding adapters or with used Sansa Fuze. It would be in fact very helpful to see a picture of that, as the optical result looks before buying a docking station, although the knowledge that it must work it without any suitable adapter. Since actually the adapters, however, are required to the overall picture, one or the other picture would be in fact helpful without this and/or with the Player!
Again many thanks in advance!
Message Edited by snoopythedog on 01-21-2009 12:24 PM
Here are links to a couple of pictures I have taken after modifying the unused adaptor - I hope they are of some use. [used imageshack as suggested so hope the links work]:
i have another question - if you want to use the base station from sandisk with another audio device via line-out (hifi-device) - is it necessary to plug in the power supply from the station itself or does it work just without external power? one of my older stations for my former ipod did - it worked just as a top station with a little amp function. i ask only because, if you connect the fuze in this combination with another device the battery is charging all the time - otherwhise (without power supply) it were not.
I have read all the posts regarding the sansa dock ‘SDAMX-BST’ can i just clalify a few points,
The base will work fine without an adaptor
The remote will work
The sansa fuze will not fall down due to lack of support
If i bought the base i would not have to take a hack saw to it !
I have just bought a fuze which i think is great but like everyone else i’m asking the question, they seem to be very popular and are competing against the ipod but why the hell is it so hard to find speakers/docks etc… escailly in the uk
I have seen the base unit on amazon for £28 and i am looking to purchase it
Just another quick question, will my 4gig fuze take a 8gig card, i read posts claiming it will and will not,