Disabling FM Radio for Clip+

Looking to purchase Clip+ players for my kids.  From other posts I see that by updating/changing firmware that it is possible to disable the FM radio.  Just curious, is the firmware without FM radio “old” firmware, without bug fixes and enhancements?  Would we be able to ever upgrade firmware, if needed, without adding the FM radio functionality back in?  Also I see notes indicating that firmware for certain countries doesn’t include FM radio.  Would we be installing firmware intended for another country (OK, I guess as long as English language is supported).  Just trying to understand this before making a purchase.  Thanks for any assistance.

Thanks.  I downloaded the Clip+ firmware and v1.02.15 is named clppa.bin.  Your linked thread references a filename m300*.bin.  For the clip+, do the same “switch” letters listed in your linked thread for the m300*.bin file also work for the clppa.bin file, meaning the “a” in clppa.bin stands for “Americas.  Radio, volume high”?   If so, to disable the radio, do I simply rename the “a” to “s”, clpps.bin, for “language prompt, no radio, volume high”? 

Could I alternatively choose “e” (clppe.bin) for “Europe.  No radio, volume normal” to both disable the radio AND limit the volume?  If so, can I still choose English somehow (I ask because the “s” option includes “language prompt” in the description, but the “e” option does not specicially mention language).

Finally, looking thru the various discussion threads, I understand that the *.bin file is the only file that needs to be copied for the installation.  When I downloaded the firmware, the downloaded file included a directory named clppV010215, and 2 files:  clpp_data.dat and clppa.bin.  Ignore the clppV010215 directory and clpp_data.dat file and just copy the clppa.bin (or renamed version) for installation?