I am very sorry to inform you that,you should consider the quality of product in stores.and also should take care i choosing retailers.
On the date 16.06.2013 i bought a 8 GB memory card for my phone.After installing the card i found its not working.I returned the card to the retailer ASTEL Showroom ,Fujairah,UAE the same day itself.And they gave me a new one ,i told them to check by themself and give it to me.After checking the memory card its found to be not working.So they told me to wait,after checking the card i will give new one.Till today 19.06.2013 i havent got any intimation for the new card.This a very bad mark by a international cmpny like you.And your retailer was not in a impressive manner ie they dont want their customer to buy anything.Please make necessary,or i will have to go to the court
your best bet will be to escalate this in the retailer managment. this is no reason to go to court just talk to them and I am sure you can sort this out.