This is how to use the Clip on the Mac, I got tired of going to my daughters house to either upgrade the firmware or unfreeze the Clip. Everything should work as stated, all of the directions have been performed with no problems on a Powerbook G4, running OSX 10.4.11.
The first thing a Mac user has to do is put the Clip in MSC mode. I have had three Clips and all have locked up in the MTP mode. So lets put the Clip in the MSC mode.
Scroll down to Setting from the Main Menu. Select
Scroll down to USB Mode. Select
Select MSC, you will see a checkmark beside your selected mode.
When your Clip freezes up.
If you Clip freezes up, press the on/off switch up and hold for for 10-20 seconds. The Clip will turn off, now turn it on. If it powers on and plays your done. BUT if it freezes with the welcome screen go to step 2.
The first thing we want to try is to replace the firmware. You need to download the latest firmware. So go to this address, link is for the latest version of the firmware and it will change as newer versions come out, you can find the latest version of the firmware on the Sansa Clip forum. You will be downloading a zip file but Stuffit Expander will expand it to a .bin file. You will now have a file called m300a.bin, Which is the firmware for the Americas.
Redo Step 1 then put your Clip on Hold, you do this by pushing the on/off switch down, you will a red strip in on/off switch slot. Now connect the Clip to your Mac while holding down the select button, this mounts the Clip in the MSC mode. You should see SANSA CLIP mounted on your desktop. If it doesn’t, keep trying.
Now drag the m300a.bin file to the SANSA CLIP icon on the desktop. This will place the file in the root directory. Drag the SANSA CLIP icon to the trash which will unmount it. Your Clip should display “firmware upgrade in progress”, then a finished display. If the clip locks up again on startup proceed to step 5.
Now we are going to save your music, reformat the Clip, and reinstall the firmware.
5a. Perform step 1 and 3 above
5b. If you have any music you want to save double-click the Clip icon. You will see the folders with your music, podcasts etc, Option-click those folders you want to save and drag them to the desktop.
5c.Now open the Disk Utility application located in your Utilities folder. In the left hand you will see SANSA CLIP. Highlight it and select the erase tab. In the Volume Format selection you should see “MS-DOS File System (Fat 16)” if not select it from the drop down menu. Leave the name SANSA CLIP and erase the volume. Quit Disk Utility
5d. Perform step 4 above. It should now startup with no problems.
5e. Put the Clip in the MSC mode, and while your at it you might want to reformat using the Format command from your Clip Settings menu. Connect the Clip to your Mac, drag the folders you saved in step 5b on the Clip icon, The Finder will ask if you want to replace the files, click OK.
These steps will also replace new firmware as it becomes available.
I hope that this helps the Mac user, the Clip is a great mp3 player and Mac users really don’t need access to a PC to use it.