Charging battery overnight

I tried to charge the sandisk clip player overnight, but when I woke up the player was dead. I also charged it for about 1/2 hour this morning to see what was wrong and I noticed that when I remove the USB cord, the player turns on. Is there a way to charge overnight? Is there a way to make the player turn off when it is removed from the usb cord? I have the updated the firmware on it.


Message Edited by verytallmichael on 01-11-2008 08:57 AM

It should turn off automatically after the power-off timeout.

Go to Settings->Power->AutoPower and make sure that is not Off.  I think it defaulted to 1 min, I have mine set on 5.

And make sure Settings->Power->Sleep is Off.

Mine takes about 4-1/2 hrs to fully charge.

It might matter if you are in MSC or MTP mode depending on software on your PC.  Go to Settings->USBmode and set that to MSC.  Don’t use MTP unless you are going to use DRM music.  I think it will charge in virtually any environment in MSC mode.  You can force that by holding the Center button during power on.


verytallmichael wrote:

I tried to charge the sandisk clip player overnight, but when I woke up the player was dead. I also charged it for about 1/2 hour this morning to see what was wrong and I noticed that when I remove the USB cord, the player turns on. Is there a way to charge overnight? Is there a way to make the player turn off when it is removed from the usb cord? I have the updated the firmware on it.

There shouldn’t be any problem with leaving it connected for charging, although if you’re charging it via USB instead of an AC adapter, you may not want to leave it plugged in longer than necessary as it decreases the display’s lifetime.  (The display is on when charging via USB.)


When you say “the player was dead”, what do you mean?  It wouldn’t turn on?


Answering your last question, the player turns on when you plug it in via USB, and remains on when you unplug in.  You can change the Auto Power setting (Settings -> Power -> Auto Power) to have it turn off after a certain number of seconds of inactivity.

By dead, I meant no juice or battery life. I just tested something out–when I turn my computer off with the player atached to the USB cord, the player turns on. How do i fix that?

Message Edited by verytallmichael on 01-11-2008 04:27 PM

Message Edited by verytallmichael on 01-11-2008 04:36 PM

verytallmichael wrote:

I just tested something out–when I turn my computer off with the player atached to the USB cord, the player turns on. How do i fix that?

It probably does this due to USB communications between your PC and your Clip, and can’t be changed.  If it bothers you, just change the Auto-Power setting to something like 30 seconds, as I mentioned earlier.

In response to mikerman, my whole pioint was that I wanted to charge the player overnight. I could do without the snide comments from someone who obvioulsy didn’t uderstand my point. Thanks, however, to the others.

Note if you have one of those portable USB hard drives that come with a USB “Y” cable (two USB “A” plugs at the PC end and one mini “B” for the drive), you can use that to charge the Clip - without the light on - also, IF you plug only one of the PC connectors in, and get the right one. One end has power & USB communications and the other is power only (the power of two ports is paralleled by the cable to get enough current to reliably operate the drive). Usually the two ends look slightly different; on mine the comms end is a bit longer.

Anyway, you want the “power only” end, one USB port is plenty of power for the Clip, and we don’t want communication for charging-only.

Hmmm I just thought of a good use for that USB A/B switch box that has been laying around, collecting dust… A=charge only, B=load songs.