i bought a Sansa Fuze and cannot download video to it!! I have tried both the AVC and FLV converter to try and get this into Sansa Media converter. It seems to convert correctly in Sansa Media coverter (I used the MPEG4 format). When I try and download the video it posts into “photos” and not “videos”. When I try and play the video it gives the message that it is “unsupported media format”. I thought maybe it was how I was converting it, but it seems to work fine with my e250. Any ideas on what is going wrong or what I am doing incorrectly? HELP!!!
Message Edited by karlamatt on 07-22-2008 04:12 PM
I am using the movkit batch video converter and it works great.I always convert my video to either mpeg or avi. but even then sometimes i have trouble with the avi. files.The SMC is very touchy.
So do you set your MP3 to SMC or do autodetect? thx
sorry, not what I meant - do you keep your mp3 on autodetect or put in on msc?
I put it on auto detect, not MSC.
Hey shmince, what settings do you use for Movkit? Can you go straight from the original file to a Fuze-ready file?
Does anyone know what settings to use in Movkit?
Only the SMC can be used to get a movie on the Fuze. Movkit can convert a file but that file will still need to go through SMC.
Okay, so what settings should be used in MovKit, even if we do need to transfer using SMC?